8850 prestige - top 90 AQ - AW for fun - great company - chimichangas

Join us at Maximum Efført!
DO YOU LIKE Unicorns, rainbows, & sub-machine guns?
So do we!!! (except for DeltaSigma, he hates unicorns because they poop ice cream and he’s lactose intolerant)
We’re approaching 9k prestige and on the fast track. Fast tracking (chasing high end rewards) doesn’t require stress when you’re well organized. Top 90 AQ is well within reach and Gold1-Plat3 is easy without much efført. We want what everyone wants... To play this game with active players that we get along with and have fun. You need to be on the level, a team player, and communicate well using Discord. Also, don’t be a d1¢k. We need to let you geek out sometimes, freak out sometimes, and keep everybody cool with fair treatment. Just do you. Also, don’t be a d1¢k. Click the link to come chat with us and see if it’s your kind of place. Preference will be given to US based players and +/- 4 hours CST.
DO YOU LIKE Unicorns, rainbows, & sub-machine guns?
So do we!!! (except for DeltaSigma, he hates unicorns because they poop ice cream and he’s lactose intolerant)
We’re approaching 9k prestige and on the fast track. Fast tracking (chasing high end rewards) doesn’t require stress when you’re well organized. Top 90 AQ is well within reach and Gold1-Plat3 is easy without much efført. We want what everyone wants... To play this game with active players that we get along with and have fun. You need to be on the level, a team player, and communicate well using Discord. Also, don’t be a d1¢k. We need to let you geek out sometimes, freak out sometimes, and keep everybody cool with fair treatment. Just do you. Also, don’t be a d1¢k. Click the link to come chat with us and see if it’s your kind of place. Preference will be given to US based players and +/- 4 hours CST.
Just follow the link to Discord and don’t be afraid... Discord is awesome.