Alliance Potion System

I would love a mod to chime in about the current potion system used in AW/AQ. Many players including myself feel the system is outdated. It was designed when four stars were the top champions. Now with r5 5*s and 6*s the flat values simply don’t cut it anymore. The cost to heal champions is very discouraging.
So what I’d like to know is if the devs have considered updating the system to better fit the modern game. If not, I’d love to hear why they think the current system is working fine.
Hopefully this post doesn’t break any rules since I was warned and had a comment deleted from the AQ Season 6 post (despite potions being a part of AQ).
So what I’d like to know is if the devs have considered updating the system to better fit the modern game. If not, I’d love to hear why they think the current system is working fine.
Hopefully this post doesn’t break any rules since I was warned and had a comment deleted from the AQ Season 6 post (despite potions being a part of AQ).
This discussion has been closed.
Since there are other threads on this topic in the Suggestions and Requests section of the forums, I will be closing this one down.