Dungeon bug on Slumber (v. Juggs)

I have the video, but for some reason I can't figure out how to properly display it in the comment. The other night I was dungeoning and came into the mystic-noded fight against Juggs with Slumber noded. Slumber is a 15 sec stun, after which the other node was a passive fury effect I believe. I came in with a fully loaded R5 Void, and knowing it was Slumber I proceeded to attack right away. Instead, Juggs shrugged the stun completely and took me out in 12345. I was totally stunned. I was able to video the next fight with my R4 Gulk (who only had about 35% health) and the same thing happened when I started the fight charging. Finally I used my 6* KM and started the fight back dashing and fight seemed normal (slumber worked) except it wasn't clear if the attack node worked at all, cuz I kicked his ass completely. In any case, I was bummed because I could have made room 4 in dungeon 7, but had to stop.
It's a troll.