Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Just Got Hit With a 30 Day ban

I know people get on here and clammer all the time about being wrongly banned but this time it’s actually true. I’ve been area grinding for 5* Cull. Got to 40 million then got hit with a TOS violation for 30 days. The previous 7 day ban I had an idea of what maybe I got hit for, but this time I’m clueless. I literally had no Tim to do anything wrong because I barely slept for
3 days to I could get to a score where I had a shot st him. All of that progress is gone and I can’t even get Kabam Support to reply to any of my tickets (just two of them).

I have a guy in one of my line chats who got hit with the same thing yesterday but when he got on this morning he was able to log in which tells me mistakes are absolutely made.

I know you’ll just redirect me back to customer support but they’re unresponsive. This stuff isn’t discussed on the forums, I know, but I didn’t know how else to get the support team to respond to me. I have proof that I was in my account doing the arena as every time I hit an awesome mile marker 20 mill, 30 mill, etc. I literally made myself backup in our last war so I could focus on the arena.

I’m just confused, devastated and heartbroken. I can’t get those 72 hours back the I worked to hard for.


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    spigwenderspigwender Posts: 473 ★★★
    this happened to me, they love just punishing innocent summoners.
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    Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Posts: 4,676
    These Forums are not the place to discuss any actions taken on individual accounts, including in-game bans. There is more information HERE regarding account bans.
This discussion has been closed.