Who is Kabam Wolf?

Is Kabam Wolf one of the new moderators who just got hired?
I don't remember seeing him from the old forums. The new forums doesn't seem to have an Introduction Page like the old ones did and if he's new, I'd just like to see, I don't know, like an Introduction and what he's going to do, credentials, interests, and that sort of thing. If he's not new, then I apologize, I just didn't know. And when the new people do come to the forums, I'd be interested in seeing that sort of thing. Thank you.
I don't remember seeing him from the old forums. The new forums doesn't seem to have an Introduction Page like the old ones did and if he's new, I'd just like to see, I don't know, like an Introduction and what he's going to do, credentials, interests, and that sort of thing. If he's not new, then I apologize, I just didn't know. And when the new people do come to the forums, I'd be interested in seeing that sort of thing. Thank you.
I know that they said they would be bringing on two new Moderators, I just didn't know if he was one of them or not. They didn't announce by name who the new moderators would be. That's why I wasn't sure if he was new or not.
I'm assuming that we haven't seen the other new Moderator yet.