Without synergies, probably Cull obsidian with the amazing armor break damage potential or archangel with the neurotoxin against anyone that isn't immune to poison or bleed
With synergies definitely domino with the Rulk and Masacre synergy
In terms of just how smooth the animations feel in combat, I like Yondu's heavy, because of how natural it feels, and the reach of the first hit, which can be used to intercept dashing opponents. In terms of what they do, IMIW has one of the most versatile kits and his heavy attack is no exception.
Emma's heavy is also really good..it's quick and has usage depending on her form..if in diamond form,it gives her a decent chunk of power while the opponent gains very less power and while in telepath form she can inflict taunt with her heavy She hulk's heavy can deal some heavy damage at high stacks of fury and that slow debuff helps me out big time
yea doc oc is fast and my 5* r4 regularly do 4000+4000 +15000(red damage) b0t if you can stun longer time i like hulk, who is one of the 50 generics kabam have not given new attacks to. stun in corner and spam 6 heavy before stun is over but just damage i would say nothing really beat archangel neurotoxin damage, domino with rulk and masacre synergy after that
I have a 5* doc oc but havn't ranked him, is it that good?
Everybody is saying things that are true, but have you all forgot about domino? She probably leads in most powerful heavy attack with her flaming trinity (or is at least a close lead behind quake)
Everybody is saying things that are true, but have you all forgot about domino? She probably leads in most powerful heavy attack with her flaming trinity (or is at least a close lead behind quake)
Ghost's heavy is pretty amazing. Once you get comfortable with her phasing and you learn how certain specials interact with her phasing, it's super easy to weave heavy attacks in. Getting those fury buffs along with the cruelty is just amazing when you throw a special.
Surprised wasp hasn’t been mentioned. She can hit 30k heavy attacks at 5/65 and she can chain into it from normal combos. Always a guaranteed crit, great range for a heavy counter and has a really nice animation.
Without synergies, probably Cull obsidian with the amazing armor break damage potential or archangel with the neurotoxin against anyone that isn't immune to poison or bleed
With synergies definitely domino with the Rulk and Masacre synergy
Alpha Scorpion
She hulk's heavy can deal some heavy damage at high stacks of fury and that slow debuff helps me out big time
All can be played as a heavy spam. Cull has more to him than that, same as Emma. With synergies, domino joins them, but only with synergies......