17M Alliance looking for a couple Summoners

We’re a 17M rated Alliance. We just started in March, and in our first season have made it to Gold 2. We have a few spots that will need to be filled a few days after the season ends.
We are currently see sawing between tiers 8-10 in AW. Running 5x5 AQ, and 1 battlegroup usually runs 1 Map 6 day. Average 120-130M every series.
Line is required. 18 and up please. If you can run Map 5 and finish lanes in Tier 8 AW while trying to keep pushing higher, add me in game.
Name: Dr Awkward PhD
We are currently see sawing between tiers 8-10 in AW. Running 5x5 AQ, and 1 battlegroup usually runs 1 Map 6 day. Average 120-130M every series.
Line is required. 18 and up please. If you can run Map 5 and finish lanes in Tier 8 AW while trying to keep pushing higher, add me in game.
Name: Dr Awkward PhD