Emma Frost is awesome

So awhile back I did a rank up poll and the resounding answer was to take my Emma Frost 5* to r4 over several other options and I took the community advice and took her up and I have been stoked with her. but it has made me wonder why there isn’t more “hype” for lack of a better word about her as an attacker and a startlingly low amount of discussion and video content out there on her. I guess my goal with this post is that so the next person that searches the forums for info on her can find this post among all of the old posts about her being an awful uncollected boss and hopefully get people talking about her a little bit.
I have her sitting at r4 myself. I probably won't r5 her (maybe if a dupe her) simply because she can be obtained as a 6*. If i got her at 6* i won't hesitate to r2 her.
Hmm Ghost does not have a lot of the same utility. Last i checked ghost doesn't have power sting, ability accuracy reduction, Power gain reduction, taunt, ability to bypass evade mechanics (telepath form). She also has a lot of physical and crit resistance, a 10% chance to perfect block , causes opponent crit rating to be lowered, high armor and high block proficiency in diamond form.
I personally find pheonix synergy to be the best as that double prowess makes it easy to launch her strong specials at full potential along with a starky esque crit rate
And I have Emma at rank 5 and use her for offense a lot. I would still prefer Ghost for most scenarios.
Well you also gotta think about how unique ghosts playing style is, ghost is a lot harder to use then emma. And does depend on synergies in certain situations. Not everyone likes playing ghost, emma is a good alternative. This is to the comment above mine^