Best use for units?

DomoSlomoDomoSlomo Member Posts: 63
I currently have done both variants and just completion of Act it best to use units I have saved up for 100% act 6 or for cavalier crystals..I have some top heavy champs like r5 Hyperion, voodoo and two 6 star r2 beasts in domino and corvus...r4’s are currently void proxima and glad hulk


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    I’d say save them up for 6.2, as it will likely have better rewards than 6.1 100% (should be out in 2-4 weeks) and if you can’t do 6.2 then explore 6.1, cavalier crystals are very rng based, and it’s pissible you could use the units to explore all of 6.1 on a bunch of near useless pulls
  • InkvajtInkvajt Member Posts: 92
    edited May 2019
    If you feel you do not need new champs, than beat content. If you wish some champ, than go for Cavalier. There are no options now for you if you are comfy with your mastery setup.
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