Simple fixes (Different sounds and backgrounds)

- Music. The same old music needs to be changed. Make the music correspond to the character or map or event.
- Maps. Make some new maps, seeing the same maps for all these years are an eye sore.
- Character sounds. Every character has the same "hurt" sound, except some unique characters like Howard The Duck.
- Hit sounds. Why when someone punches a robot like Ultron there is a punching sound? It should be a metal like sound. And there are many other examples of this.
- Character deaths. Make it so when a character dies of bleed/poision they like fall down slowly on their knees or something. And if they die of a laser they get disenergrated.
- Background. Please change the background of the main screens. They are all the same boring one. Change it to correspond to the event or something.
- Old characters. Change up those old characters, like buff them or something, don't leave them to rot.
- Character animations. For most characters their attack moves are literally the same as others, please change them. And make them unique to the character, like why doesn't Antman shrink while attacking? Or at least his heavy attack?