Battle pass

Dnegrin6969Dnegrin6969 Member Posts: 253 ★★
Instead of spending money on one deal or units, why not make a battle pass. You get the rewards by earning them to get more rewards the higher you progress. And it’s a great deal instead of spending the same amount on units or deals. The more battle pass challenges you do the closer you get to the next reward and the rewards get better.


  • PotatolegionPotatolegion Member Posts: 290 ★★
    Maybe some exclusive summoner journey achievements could be good.
  • DankestChefDankestChef Member Posts: 420 ★★★
    thats called a summoners journey
  • B_RabbittB_Rabbitt Member Posts: 137
    Well you have the monthly log in calendar which gives you decent rewards in the form of shards, units, catalysts, etc. I think the idea of purchasing a set of objectives that offer good rewards. Maybe KABAM will see this and we will see something similar later this year.
  • LordRaymond3LordRaymond3 Member Posts: 394 ★★★
    So basically Fortnite battle pass. What an original idea. Yeah, that'll be a hard pass lol. Kabam would make it at least $250 and the rewards probably wouldn't even be that great seeing how the amount of rewards from this past EQ. Would just be another thing for the whales to gobble up.
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