Venom will shut down spidey's evade completely, antman was honestly the worst fight for me cause he had so much resistance it took forever to take him down but for the rest I used my iceman. It's a tough path so you might end up having to use some units.
The only advice I can give is Venom cause I only ever took that path with him. I even waited till I pulled him lol. I also had some success with Heimdall, but mine's a 6*.
The only advice I can give is Venom cause I only ever took that path with him. I even waited till I pulled him lol. I also had some success with Heimdall, but mine's a 6*.
I tried 4* r3 venom everything went well till block damage killed me
The only advice I can give is Venom cause I only ever took that path with him. I even waited till I pulled him lol. I also had some success with Heimdall, but mine's a 6*.
I tried 4* r3 venom everything went well till block damage killed me
Yeah... 4* in general are probably not the greatest choice for Act 5. That’s especially true of ones not fully ranked.
The only advice I can give is Venom cause I only ever took that path with him. I even waited till I pulled him lol. I also had some success with Heimdall, but mine's a 6*.
I tried 4* r3 venom everything went well till block damage killed me
Ahh yeah.. I used a 4* R5 and it was still a bit of block damage. I tried to om nom his buffs when I could to get some health back which sustained me long enough to get the win.
The only advice I can give is Venom cause I only ever took that path with him. I even waited till I pulled him lol. I also had some success with Heimdall, but mine's a 6*.
I tried 4* r3 venom everything went well till block damage killed me
What you can do is not let them hit your blocks and bait their heavy attacks for some openings