Continue to Explore the Battlerealm with Carina in Act 6 Chapter 2!



  • TomBrady12TomBrady12 Member Posts: 85
    edited June 2019
    The problem is that they don't understand what is a challenge and what is a roadblock as they don't play at the level of those who the content is made for. I think that when they saw a few ppl plow through both variants and Act 6.1 in a day or single live stream they got scared.

    They went out to make a challenge that people wouldn't do on day one and broke the game. They did it with the new AQ and AW changes and they did it again with Act 6.2. Once the main streamers start going through the content it will all come out.
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  • SligSlig Member Posts: 427 ★★★
    I’m in the same boat. Pretty fed up after 4+ years. Giving it a few weeks and then will decide to stay or go.
  • DarkCloud1961DarkCloud1961 Member Posts: 11

    Ordalca said:

    Any 100% Completion Legends Runs of Act 6 Chapter 2 will be handled with our "extra" Legends protocol. We'll treat pre and post-fix separately and give out extra Legends rewards as we have in previous situations. We are still evaluating how that will be calculated, and cannot give details at this time. These will not take the place of those that complete their Legends Run after the fixes are live, but will receive rewards indicative of their position.

    Will this include the prize champion after 6.4?
    If you time qualifies, yes. But this does not mean that everybody that beats it 100% before the fix will qualify for the Legends. We're still evaluating how we will determine this at this time.
    @Kabam Miike how will you determine who qualifies under extra legends protocol?

    I was midway through my run when you made the announcement and have completed the run. How do I know if it will qualify? Seems like there needs to be some clarity to that statement
  • GoreGore Member Posts: 85
    What a joke I continued explore this act 6.2
    At 6.2.4 on 3 science 5* required found dr strange with improved power gain by 200%
    That means literally in 4 seconds max has sp2 ready
    With destructive feedback as global node
    So he is special 2 spam every 4 seconds
    All the damage stored by his global node destructive feedback lends on u and even in block gives u the same damage so after 2 3 sp2 your dead
    The counter for him should be a science since is the science gate and the only champ capable to do that is void still he doesn’t have time to stop his power gain cause u need both fear of void Debuffs to do that ( how lucky can u be ?) still even with both fear of void he still has power gain just a little bit slowly but u will not get there no matter what
    So @Kabam Miike I am really asking u and make appeal to your honesty . Who are those beta testers who passed that node and what champ did they use I am curious.
    I think beta testers are just the people you using to hide your true intentions and you are not listening to them at all

    For each fight there must be a perfect counter. That’s how the game should work if u don’t have that champ oky it will be harder then having the best one
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  • MatthewmillerMatthewmiller Member Posts: 46
    It’s crazy I spent 500 units to finish sinister and then spent 1500 units trying to kill the champion I’m really getting tired of this game and the problems
  • tkhan08tkhan08 Member Posts: 189 ★★
    edited June 2019
    It is getting too roster based than skill. The content is getting so hard that is not enjoyable anymore. The paths, nodes, champs, and bosses are really tough in 6.2. I feel like it's end of my progression. I don't wanna do it by spending loads of resources and units. There is no joy in it.
  • GomezlinkGomezlink Member Posts: 248
    after I spent 500 units to try to pass Mr. Sinister, I went to know that this bugado, when there was no fury in my hulk he beat like a cat and the sinister recovered like a lion, unfair too
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  • Ultra8529Ultra8529 Member Posts: 526 ★★★
    TheKiryu said:

    Honestly, I’m nearly 100% on this and I think I can safely say - stay away from this content, I have 35 6* 120+ 5* , 17 r5s, and my roster is falling short, even if my roster is up to the task there are just too many cash grab fights , if I didn’t play quake well and didn’t have ghost I would have given up long time ago, looking back it is definitely not worth the effort , kabam has absolutely no idea how bad they have made this, and many fights are just well bad, like they put Emma frost , killmonger , ghost and ROGUE on do you bleed in 6.2.6 - why? It’s not a hard fight just made stupid long, after 10 mins with blade I did 20% damage, fell asleep, gave up went back in with ghost and just hit her block, and got it down, but that’s not the point - point is why would you design such a fight that is purely made to waste time and anger players... there are many more examples,

    Anyways, never have I ever felt as poorly about content as I do about 6.2! Just feels like kabam is openly spitting in your face and laughing at you.

    Honestly - stay away , do not 100% until you have all the champions needed, do not waste time or money..

    That is so sad to hear. But I thank you for your courage to speak up on this issue. I felt the same way when I took a quick look at some of the nodes and fights in 6.2. Unfortunately game design in general seems to be headed that way. Feels almost like we are getting longer and longer fights just in the hope that we make an eventual mistake and that costs us items. Longer fights are not more fun, and I seriously hope the game team takes a good long look at how they are designing quests and fights.

    Not even to mention the whole Mr Sinister node design is extremely limiting and poorly designed.
  • tkhan08tkhan08 Member Posts: 189 ★★
    edited June 2019
    I watched KT stream yesterday. If someone as skilled and having such roster was struggling, there is no hope for most of us. Please don't forget, in time we may get the required champs but for mid tier players, we are looking at years. I don't feel any motivation if I have to wait so long.

    LoL was really hard when it came out but you didn't need huge roster to do it. It was a test of skill rather than roster. Variant 1 was again a roster oriented content. Variant 2 was much better. Act 6.1 was again roster based but still it is doable for mid tier players like me.

    Kabam said Act 6.2 is meant to be hard. They can't understand if mid tier players like me don't see future progression, i will have no motivation.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    Lets not forget this is only 6.2, 6.3 will be much harder, much bigger health nodes, and the bosses will have even more limitations. Kabam didn't think this through and will sure have to change the entire design of 6.2 so I will wait until they make the Champion reasonable and they tone down the health pools of all the champions. They can't get money from 6.2 if no one is exploring so this is either a miscalculation on their part or they purposely made it super hard just to cash in early and will change the content to reasonable. Seems to be the strategy nowadays with all the bugs and not listening to testers.
  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    TheKiryu said:

    Honestly, I’m nearly 100% on this and I think I can safely say - stay away from this content, I have 35 6* 120+ 5* , 17 r5s, and my roster is falling short, even if my roster is up to the task there are just too many cash grab fights , if I didn’t play quake well and didn’t have ghost I would have given up long time ago, looking back it is definitely not worth the effort , kabam has absolutely no idea how bad they have made this, and many fights are just well bad, like they put Emma frost , killmonger , ghost and ROGUE on do you bleed in 6.2.6 - why? It’s not a hard fight just made stupid long, after 10 mins with blade I did 20% damage, fell asleep, gave up went back in with ghost and just hit her block, and got it down, but that’s not the point - point is why would you design such a fight that is purely made to waste time and anger players... there are many more examples,

    Anyways, never have I ever felt as poorly about content as I do about 6.2! Just feels like kabam is openly spitting in your face and laughing at you.

    Honestly - stay away , do not 100% until you have all the champions needed, do not waste time or money..

    Thanks for posting and BTW, not sure who the beta testers are for content but you'd be well served to have someone like this guy to do it. Honestly the release of the new AQ season is embarrassing. The AW map is demotivating. The reward for the content on this quest is not good and the heroes you're putting on some nodes suggest that the beta testing is superficial at best given the limited number of counters combined with the node.

    The game is dropping considerably in fun quotient because of what is laid out above.
  • mgj0630mgj0630 Member Posts: 1,166 ★★★★
    Any 100% Completion Legends Runs of Act 6 Chapter 2 will be handled with our "extra" Legends protocol. We'll treat pre and post-fix separately and give out extra Legends rewards as we have in previous situations. We are still evaluating how that will be calculated, and cannot give details at this time. These will not take the place of those that complete their Legends Run after the fixes are live, but will receive rewards indicative of their position.

    Compensation will be provided for those that have completed this content while it was in its more difficult state after we have investigated how many Summoners were affected, and how they were affected.
    @Kabam Miike I understand the work you have to do ahead of time, and that it may be a while before compensation and the "extra" legends run rewards are distributed, and I have no concerns with that. I just wanted to ask, will an announcement be made that these rewards and compensation have been distributed, so that those of us who did a full completion run of 6.2 prior to the announcement of changes, can monitor our accounts for receipt of those rewards, or open tickets if we didn't receive them and should have.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    mgj0630 said:

    Any 100% Completion Legends Runs of Act 6 Chapter 2 will be handled with our "extra" Legends protocol. We'll treat pre and post-fix separately and give out extra Legends rewards as we have in previous situations. We are still evaluating how that will be calculated, and cannot give details at this time. These will not take the place of those that complete their Legends Run after the fixes are live, but will receive rewards indicative of their position.

    Compensation will be provided for those that have completed this content while it was in its more difficult state after we have investigated how many Summoners were affected, and how they were affected.
    @Kabam Miike I understand the work you have to do ahead of time, and that it may be a while before compensation and the "extra" legends run rewards are distributed, and I have no concerns with that. I just wanted to ask, will an announcement be made that these rewards and compensation have been distributed, so that those of us who did a full completion run of 6.2 prior to the announcement of changes, can monitor our accounts for receipt of those rewards, or open tickets if we didn't receive them and should have.

    Thanks in advance.

    They should be delivered with an in-game Message.
  • mgj0630mgj0630 Member Posts: 1,166 ★★★★
    edited June 2019

    They should be delivered with an in-game Message.

    @Kabam Miike That in-game message would only go to those who receive the compensation though, correct? I guess I was hoping for something more public. I believe I'm the only one in my alliance who has done a completion run of 6.2, and as with most others, my global chat is disabled.

    How would I know when compensation and the "extra" legends run are distributed, if for some reason, my advance completion of the act isn't recognized?

    For what it's worth, I never ask these sort of questions, and had you not already announced that compensation would be given, I wouldn't be hear asking for it. That said, since you guys have already announced that it would be given, and I'm certain that I'm entitled to it considering when I completed vs when the announcement was made, I'd like to stay on top of when it's given, to ensure my account isn't overlooked.

    I suspect many others have the same concerns, and again, I'm not trying to complain about how quickly it should happen, or when it should happen. Simply asking for a public announcement so that we can ensure we can begin monitoring for receipt of said compensation.

    Thanks again.
    Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 681 ★★★★
    Just checking to see if we have an update on the time table on the bug fixes, if the devs have confirmed the Champion bug, and are working on a fix for it?
  • ShaaneneganShaanenegan Member Posts: 112
    edited June 2019
    mgj0630 said:

    They should be delivered with an in-game Message..

    In game message would have been intelligent to thing to do. I spent 3300 units & uncountable potions & boosts before raising this issue & then sent a link to direct forums for me to be responsible to find a post in a thread. Then I hear compensation is not guaranteed either.
    Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Why don't you send some in-game email? A lot of people don't read forum. Why lowering champs stats takes so much time while removing any bug benefiting players happens almost immediately? And finally, can I restart 6.2 to try complete for legend run? Gave it up after spending to many units on sinter and facing enemies too strong for me in 6.2.3. Some compensation for that would also be welcome
  • GoreGore Member Posts: 85
    This is more heavy the boss node in aw :)))
    Show me one demonstration on this path from your company employees and then u will not see anyone complain anymore

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  • ShaaneneganShaanenegan Member Posts: 112
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  • ShaaneneganShaanenegan Member Posts: 112

    Unable to upload image

    Whats troubling you my child? If you can remove the charges just dont use s3. S1 did dmg for me
    Whats holding me is the the 3300 units i spent on this together with finishing up my stack of all my revives & health & daily crystals.
  • Erikfive_0Erikfive_0 Member Posts: 122

    Unable to upload image

    Whats troubling you my child? If you can remove the charges just dont use s3. S1 did dmg for me
    Whats holding me is the the 3300 units i spent on this together with finishing up my stack of all my revives & health & daily crystals.
    I spent quite a few units myself. Before I was told that using a heavy with cap would give you a fury buff that will allow you to get past the bug and allow you to finish him with an l3. Just worked for me.
  • ShaaneneganShaanenegan Member Posts: 112

    Unable to upload image

    Whats troubling you my child? If you can remove the charges just dont use s3. S1 did dmg for me
    Whats holding me is the the 3300 units i spent on this together with finishing up my stack of all my revives & health & daily crystals.
    I spent quite a few units myself. Before I was told that using a heavy with cap would give you a fury buff that will allow you to get past the bug and allow you to finish him with an l3. Just worked for me.
    I did that too, all the three times I was able to hit L3 with heavy, after removing the charges.
  • UltimatheoryUltimatheory Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    edited June 2019

    You can see from the amount of Prowess stacked I went through the indestructible charges a number of times. I was actually up over 50 Prowess at one point.

    Eventually I said screw it and decided to try and build a SP1 as fast as possible after the SP3 before the charges could come back. Not so bad with the long stun after her third special. Should have tried that wayyy earlier...

    This was an 800 hit fight. It shouldn’t take two specials to put him down after his charges are gone. At least I know what I have to do with She Hulk now to get the solo kill.

    This method is not viable for every champ. Please fix your bugged content.
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