19M/Gold 1/AQ 65555/Timezone allocated BG Looking or 1 member

We are
The royale with cheese
a 19 mil ally...
Gold 1 ranked Top 200...
War Tier 4...should probably be juggling with tier 3 soon...
Map 65555.....
Aq Rank top 650...
Overall a solid core group of an ally....
Looking for...
1 Member...
to have...
a prestige of at least 7400 to start with (our starting prestige on day 1 is 7800)
Decently diverse roster...
Acceptable sense of humour...
Most Important
If you fit in & are interested, we would be more then happy to have you as a part of our team...
Please line me to discuss further on
The royale with cheese
a 19 mil ally...
Gold 1 ranked Top 200...
War Tier 4...should probably be juggling with tier 3 soon...
Map 65555.....
Aq Rank top 650...
Overall a solid core group of an ally....
Looking for...
1 Member...
to have...
a prestige of at least 7400 to start with (our starting prestige on day 1 is 7800)
Decently diverse roster...
Acceptable sense of humour...
Most Important
If you fit in & are interested, we would be more then happy to have you as a part of our team...
Please line me to discuss further on
Line id is
Platinum 4 ally now..
Please line me on vfts to discuss further
Line me on vfts
65555...line me on vfts
line me on vfts