is it even worth spinning for 5* features even after you already have 3 5* r4 champs

JayimageJayimage Member Posts: 94
edited August 2017 in General Discussion
just curious and want to see everyones thoughts

is it even worth spinning for 5* features even after you already have 3 5* r4 champs 24 votes

66% 16 votes
No (spin for basics)
33% 8 votes


  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    I would just save for a few months the current crop is mostly garbage and the desirable champs are getting released in the coming months. November and December look to be some sunny sky's.
  • JayimageJayimage Member Posts: 94
    EvilEmpire wrote: »
    I would just save for a few months the current crop is mostly garbage and the desirable champs are getting released in the coming months. November and December look to be some sunny sky's.

    In other words save now spin basics later thats what i want to do but its nice to try an attempt dupping the ones I have again
  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    Yeah I guess I'm optimistic we will see an AG opportunity again. I just blew my wad on iceman so I'm broke but the champs I want are in the coming months so unless I see a decent looking cosmic feature to go with my useless AG I'll just wait for November or December and hope I pull a Hyperion from a mass opening.
  • Kronos987654321Kronos987654321 Member Posts: 584 ★★★
    I've got 3 R4 5*, one of them is SL, so now I just spin featured for fun lol
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,821 ★★★★★
    I say if you want the Champ, and you are aware that it may not drop, go for it. The whole idea about waiting for months to open the Basics makes no sense to me at all. No matter how many possibilities there are, the drop is random. People could be waiting months for anything.
  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    I say if you want the Champ, and you are aware that it may not drop, go for it. The whole idea about waiting for months to open the Basics makes no sense to me at all. No matter how many possibilities there are, the drop is random. People could be waiting months for anything.

    The basic pool has been polluted with garbage champs the last 2 releases, I only suggested waiting because when some of the more desired champs are added in the coming months there will be a higher percentage chance to get something I find desirable. The idea of waiting is because you only get a limited number of r4 5* and unless you ok with taking up whatever you happen to dupe (which I'm not) then waiting a few months could produce a much better return.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,821 ★★★★★
    EvilEmpire wrote: »
    I say if you want the Champ, and you are aware that it may not drop, go for it. The whole idea about waiting for months to open the Basics makes no sense to me at all. No matter how many possibilities there are, the drop is random. People could be waiting months for anything.

    The basic pool has been polluted with garbage champs the last 2 releases, I only suggested waiting because when some of the more desired champs are added in the coming months there will be a higher percentage chance to get something I find desirable. The idea of waiting is because you only get a limited number of r4 5* and unless you ok with taking up whatever you happen to dupe (which I'm not) then waiting a few months could produce a much better return.

    The possibilities may be greater, but the outcome is random and it's individually-generated. It could be what you want. It could also be Kamala. I have no doubt that the Forum will fill up when people wait that long and roll a less desired Champ. There's no controlling a random outcome. All people are doing is saving for months because it was suggested in a video.
  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
    Actually in all the most recent additions except for like one month there are two or three OK champions and then a meh one. They aren't breaking the game with how strong they are, but they aren't bad pick ups either.

    You have about the same chances as always to get a really good champion. It's just the really bad and really good ones fall at extreme ends of the spectrum and there aren't that many of them compared to the total possible choices a spin can land on.
  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    Its the probablity of getting a good champ thats getting lowered these months not ur chances of getting a good one
  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    SlyCat42 wrote: »
    Actually in all the most recent additions except for like one month there are two or three OK champions and then a meh one. They aren't breaking the game with how strong they are, but they aren't bad pick ups either.

    You have about the same chances as always to get a really good champion. It's just the really bad and really good ones fall at extreme ends of the spectrum and there aren't that many of them compared to the total possible choices a spin can land on.

    July and august added venom, spidergwen, nfDD, LC, janeThor, Groot, MM, old man Logan, shehulk, x23, KK and Rulk. That represents 1/4 of the champs in the basic crystal. One of those is a very good champ and the rest are essentially strikeouts and offer no important function. If you look at the next 3-4 months there are many desirable champs (imo) and that increases the chances to pull something "good". I can't explain it any more simply than that, you are free to open you crystals whenever you want but your chances are considerably better in November and December to pull something functional than they are today.
  • IdontinksoIdontinkso Member Posts: 156
    The longer you wait the less chances of getting starlord. the percentages go down as the garbage ones take a big slice out of it. so if you don't have a duped 5* , maybe you crack open as many as you could. There isn't one answer it's all on where you are at in the game.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,821 ★★★★★
    Honestly, the 5* Crystal is a Crystal just like any. The Featured Rate seems to be significantly higher than a 4* from a Premium or Featured, but it's still a random RNG. We literally have no control over it. It can land in any direction. Personally I could care less. My last 2 rolls were Rhino and Cage. Not who I was going for, but it all goes into building a Roster. It all goes into Points in one form or another. Some drops are favorable and some aren't. That's always the chance we take when opening a Crystal. If I stressed over every unfavorable drop, I'd have no desire to play at all. Lol.
  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    Honestly, the 5* Crystal is a Crystal just like any. The Featured Rate seems to be significantly higher than a 4* from a Premium or Featured, but it's still a random RNG. We literally have no control over it. It can land in any direction. Personally I could care less. My last 2 rolls were Rhino and Cage. Not who I was going for, but it all goes into building a Roster. It all goes into Points in one form or another. Some drops are favorable and some aren't. That's always the chance we take when opening a Crystal. If I stressed over every unfavorable drop, I'd have no desire to play at all. Lol.

    Your positive attitude towards bad pulls is admirable. I can't help but to be bent when I get a bad spin.
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