Priyansh7Priyansh7 Member Posts: 449 ★★
Hi there
I just completed act 4 last week ( it wasnt tough at all)
And i waited for sometime to start act 5 coz all my top champs were in AQ & AW
Looking at the PI rating of 5.1.1 champs, I hesistated to start act 5.
But then I tried once, it didnt look that hard coz the "Flare" nodes actually helped in finishing matchups quite fast.

But thinking that 5.1.2 would also contain flare nodes, i did get mistaken
It had "breakdown" nodes which had armor ups for the opponent
I just got banged to hell as the matchups were too high as compared to those in act 4

Here's my roster:
4/40 unduped sparky
4/40 unduped medusa
4/40 unduped hawkeye (great for power drain)
4/40 unduped masacre
4/20 unduped luke cage

I know that difficulty levels will definitely increase in act 5, but those are too insane for 4/40s.

Please tell me what to do.
Shall i continue playing act 5 slowly or postpone it till i get better champs coz i didnt use a single revive/health potion till maestro fight. I am mid game player with 128k rating & summoner lvl 48


  • BrudixTreeBrudixTree Member Posts: 801 ★★

    My suggestion.. Explore act 4 first

    This will take a Long while in which you will get tons of iso, Units, items and new champs, and then you can try again!
    And act 5 is realy not easy, i am having much better Champions then you ( i am having 43 r5 4 stars and 3 r3 5 stars) and i am struggeling, too...

  • Priyansh7Priyansh7 Member Posts: 449 ★★

    This will take a Long while in which you will get tons of iso, Units, items and new champs, and then you can try again!
    And act 5 is realy not easy, i am having much better Champions then you ( i am having 43 r5 4 stars and 3 r3 5 stars) and i am struggeling, too...

    Your ingame name buddy??
  • BrudixTreeBrudixTree Member Posts: 801 ★★
    Priyansh7 said:

    Your ingame name buddy??
    Just saw that i wrote 43 rank 5 4 stars xD no doubt this is fake xDDD
    i have 3 4 stars rank 5

    Ingame Name is Baum3001
  • B_RabbittB_Rabbitt Member Posts: 137
    Yeah You would definitely want to bring in a few Rank 5 4*s. There is no rush in getting Act 5 done as it will be there forever. Like said above, explore Act 4, get the rewards, open the crystals and upgrade the champs. If you have any good 5*s or open any on the future look on the forums or Youtube to see if they are worth ranking up and they will help in Act 5.

    Also all the nodes in Act 5 are different so you can also watch videos or go to the old forum posts and read up before taking them on.
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    Act 5 fights will be long for u with a lot of block damage...u can do 5.1 with 4/40 champs...5.2 is also suggestion is try going as deep as u can into act 5...once u get stuck then focus on act 4 till u can take some 4* to 5/50 or 5* to 3/45...I would suggest becoming uncollected before fully exploring act 4
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    Priyansh7 said:

    Please tell me what to do.
    Shall i continue playing act 5 slowly or postpone it till i get better champs coz i didnt use a single revive/health potion till maestro fight. I am mid game player with 128k rating & summoner lvl 48

    Continue to play Act 5 slowly. Use energy first on 100% Heroic and Master each month and then practice Act 5 with your leftover energy. I would only 100% Act 4 if you really need the XPs and ISO.
  • SmashCaptainSmashCaptain Member Posts: 19
    Playing for a little while - but in a practically inactive alley and started the game ignorantly - and I found the replies to this very helpful. Have four 5* (only really working on Dr. VD 3/45, but use SabreT 2/35 in quests), and a tonne of 4* (Gwen maxed&duped, Void duped&working on final rank up).
    Thanks to all above, and OP too!
  • SmashCaptainSmashCaptain Member Posts: 19
    Actually still trying to go back and fix my mastery muck-ups.
  • JohnHSJohnHS Member Posts: 509 ★★★
    Is 5.1 Exploration doable with 4/40 duped Agent Venom (for shrugging off debuffs and partial evade counter), 4/40 Doctor Octopus (power control), 4/40 duped Ghulk (for Magiks, heal block, and passive degen) 2/35 unduped Medusa (for armor and robots) and 4/40 unduped Cap IW (for damage, soon to be 5/50 once I get a few more T4CC fragments +ISO)? They pretty much walked through Act 4. I really want that 4* Awakening gem from 100% Chapter 1 Exploration, and it's shorter than exploring Act 4.
  • ToxicBladeToxicBlade Member Posts: 62
    I would suggest put your focus on doing heroic and master 100% every month, and try and practice fighting the nodes in act 5.1. I know if seems a little overwhelming, but as someone who has very recently became uncollected with mostly 4/40 champs and a few 5* r3, I would say act 5.1 is definitely doable with your roster as long as you can play with those nodes correctly. 5.2 is a bug step up however, so until you get comfortable with those nodes you may want to work on exploring act 4.
  • Priyansh7Priyansh7 Member Posts: 449 ★★
    Thank you for all your valuable suggestions
    I will definitely keep those in my mind
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★

    My suggestion.. Explore act 4 first

    Lol I’ve got act 5 finished gearing up for lol and still haven’t finished act 4
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