Lower the Ranking Up requirements for 5*

Ranking up is really tough. For players with free to play account.
Soo much time for cc4.
And alpha c.
May be remove that t1 alpha requirements. Why use 6 when we are already using 4 t2 alpha. Isn't that a bit unfair? I mean we are your customers. People who choose your game. And like it. This will be appropriated throughout community.. M sure

Soo much time for cc4.
And alpha c.
May be remove that t1 alpha requirements. Why use 6 when we are already using 4 t2 alpha. Isn't that a bit unfair? I mean we are your customers. People who choose your game. And like it. This will be appropriated throughout community.. M sure

Ghost rider
Playing this game over a year. I know all to well which champs are good. There are 5* champs in my roster i haven't taken them to rank 2 yet. But if u r looking to score in arena. U should take every 5* to rank 3 minimum.
And I don't have a rank 4 5*
So chill out. Don't support everything like robot. We play their game. If anyone feels something can be changed & it will help the players. That's why the forum exist. To let them know. Sime people doesn't use money. But love the game so they play it.
Value of money is different for every countries. It changes. So chill.
Also, how do you expect them to compensate folks that already ranked up champs only to later find they could have waited a week/month to do it at a cheaper price? This is a discussion that will fall flat very quickly..