Seeking permanent active home for my second acc!

Add me on Line @-b0r1s- or in game to discuss further details. I will be looking forward to working along side an active group. I’m looking for a AW focused team that is in low gold3/high silver1. AQ maps 4&5, and moderate activity in event milestones.


  • DimmDimm Posts: 85
    Hello there. i just saw your post. if you have time pls do contact me on line. My ID on line is divinespring. if you have time i would like to hear from you if ever. do message and hit me up, thanks.
    would like to have you in my alliance and i believe you would be want we need in pushing forward. my IGN is divinenaga99. do contact me. tried to look you up in line but couldnt find you
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