I sent a ticket for this. I ran it 6 times and didn't even form 1 cat. Used 2 refills for mutant quest. Not even enough shards to form one. Wtf?!? Know what they said? Check your stash, your reward is there!!! Wrong. I sent them a text back and said, um, only cats in my stash are science. They said, well, it shows you opened a crystal and got a mutant. I did do that, but need I say more about support from that statement!?!
You get one on the basic run, but I remember having to go through it a couple times early on to get a full t3cc. it's never given me a full except for a random/rare drop.
Well, I'm not sure whether or not it got full t3cc sometime time ago, but I'm now begging for t3cc and it never happened before. I'm agree it should change, 3 energy per tile is already much for a full T3 item.
Look the t2 reward.
U should give reward for t3 class cats quest like this!
Ok i may b wrong. But i think they should change it. Should not they?
Not really i got like over 300+ t3cc shard crystals with 40+ t3cc crystals. I think I am fine. Needs improvement in other places
At the moment I am not disappointed yet with the poor drop rates as I have T1, T2 and T3 class catalyst at max storage. I run the quest to farm XP.
Soon, I will be in your shoes (level 60), and then ...
What? I dont understand wat u meant!