It’s time to increase the capacity of 5 star signature stones

I take you back to 4 star champions with maximum signature level of 99. Therefore logical capacity for 4 start signature stones is 100.
For 5 starts the maximum signature level is 200, therefore the capacity of 5 start signature stones should be 200 and not 100 like today.
We all know how hard is to get dupped good champs to use stones on, this limitation add more to the frustration. I believe many aren’t opening their 5 star signature stones die maxed stones on some classes.
I think it’s time to increase the capacity to 200 and make community happy
I take you back to 4 star champions with maximum signature level of 99. Therefore logical capacity for 4 start signature stones is 100.
For 5 starts the maximum signature level is 200, therefore the capacity of 5 start signature stones should be 200 and not 100 like today.
We all know how hard is to get dupped good champs to use stones on, this limitation add more to the frustration. I believe many aren’t opening their 5 star signature stones die maxed stones on some classes.
I think it’s time to increase the capacity to 200 and make community happy

It will be pretty hard to move stashed items to inventory once the cap increased. My suggestion is to keep the items in stash and let players to claim them by themselves. Simple solution that will benefit whole community