The game experienced a brief connectivity issue this morning. The team promptly fixed the issue and things are back to normal, thank you to everyone who passed along reports!

Rank up decision R5 Hype, R4 Proxima or R2 Cull

WHOz_R4GEWHOz_R4GE Member Posts: 239 ★★
Right now I only have the cosmic T4CC to do one of the following:

R5 Hype (duped)
R4 Proxima (duped)
R2 Cull (unduped)

6.1 is 100%, so this will mainly be for 6.2.


Rank up decision R5 Hype, R4 Proxima or R2 Cull 10 votes

Hype R5
TheManMythLegendThecrusher_9756 2 votes
Proxima R4
Spity68Tony886 2 votes
Cull R2
LordRaymond3FhfjghhggggjfhfjgGwenpoolManÆgon0710FreeToPlay_21Thicco_Mode 6 votes
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