I mean, is it possible to be positive if you get wham-bammed by Kabam over and over again?
What? The odds are against you. Clearly. If 70-80 champs are in a crystal, and you are hoping for 1 out of say 20 of them, what do you think is most likely to happen? The hope is to get “lucky” not the other way around.
There is literally no end. There are people who wholeheartedly believe that 5% (or whatever) means 100%.
I mean, is it possible to be positive if you get wham-bammed by Kabam over and over again?
What? The odds are against you. Clearly. If 70-80 champs are in a crystal, and you are hoping for 1 out of say 20 of them, what do you think is most likely to happen? The hope is to get “lucky” not the other way around.
There is literally no end. There are people who wholeheartedly believe that 5% (or whatever) means 100%.
I mean, is it possible to be positive if you get wham-bammed by Kabam over and over again?
What? The odds are against you. Clearly. If 70-80 champs are in a crystal, and you are hoping for 1 out of say 20 of them, what do you think is most likely to happen? The hope is to get “lucky” not the other way around.
There is literally no end. There are people who wholeheartedly believe that 5% (or whatever) means 100%.
I’m not even joking. That’s a real thing.
Yeah, I never said that I expected fantastic champs all the time, from ever single crystal. All I’m saying is that it’s ridiculous and more than disheartening to constantly get smacked in the face by Kabam with absolute garbage over and over again, no matter what the chances are.
Maybe you should make do with what your given. My first and only 6* so far is iron fist. Garbage right? Hes actually pretty useful in quests when aq and aw is going on. Heck i even use him in aq from time to time
I mean, is it possible to be positive if you get wham-bammed by Kabam over and over again?
What? The odds are against you. Clearly. If 70-80 champs are in a crystal, and you are hoping for 1 out of say 20 of them, what do you think is most likely to happen? The hope is to get “lucky” not the other way around.
There is literally no end. There are people who wholeheartedly believe that 5% (or whatever) means 100%.
I’m not even joking. That’s a real thing.
Yeah, I never said that I expected fantastic champs all the time, from ever single crystal. All I’m saying is that it’s ridiculous and more than disheartening to constantly get smacked in the face by Kabam with absolute garbage over and over again, no matter what the chances are.
The point is that you are not getting smacked in the face by Kabam. It’s just bad odds. You are getting what you are likely to get, and what you should expect going in. We all hope to get lucky, meaning hit the long shot champ that we want. More often than not this will not happen. So, it’s not surprising.
I mean, is it possible to be positive if you get wham-bammed by Kabam over and over again?
What? The odds are against you. Clearly. If 70-80 champs are in a crystal, and you are hoping for 1 out of say 20 of them, what do you think is most likely to happen? The hope is to get “lucky” not the other way around.
There is literally no end. There are people who wholeheartedly believe that 5% (or whatever) means 100%.
I’m not even joking. That’s a real thing.
Yeah, I never said that I expected fantastic champs all the time, from ever single crystal. All I’m saying is that it’s ridiculous and more than disheartening to constantly get smacked in the face by Kabam with absolute garbage over and over again, no matter what the chances are.
Maybe you should make do with what your given. My first and only 6* so far is iron fist. Garbage right? Hes actually pretty useful in quests when aq and aw is going on. Heck i even use him in aq from time to time
That's what my outlook is. Do the best you can with what you roll. Sometimes it takes more effort. Lol. Just Duped my 5* HB. Still thinking. Lol. Interestingly, I Ranked him to R2 for Objectives.
I mean, is it possible to be positive if you get wham-bammed by Kabam over and over again?
Why not? It’s a game of chance.
Looking at the 6* Basic pool, out of the 84 champs in there, there are 16 that I wouldn’t mind pulling. That’s 16/84 = 19% chance that I get someone I “don’t mind” and 81% chance that I get someone crappy. It’s the odds I’m willing to take when opening a basic. 4 out of 5 times I’ll be disappointed. What’s the big deal?
At least you're starting on a Roster. I spent the first couple years focusing on the Arena and Master EQ. Did Uncollected last year, and now I'm about to get my first 6*. Obviously that was on me, but still....you have some. XD
At least you're starting on a Roster. I spent the first couple years focusing on the Arena and Master EQ. Did Uncollected last year, and now I'm about to get my first 6*. Obviously that was on me, but still....you have some. XD
At least you're starting on a Roster. I spent the first couple years focusing on the Arena and Master EQ. Did Uncollected last year, and now I'm about to get my first 6*. Obviously that was on me, but still....you have some. XD
No. I usually don't talk about where I'm at because people like to try and call me out in the middle of a discussion. Lol. Almost always has nothing to do with what we're discussing. I posted about it a while back. I spent years in a cycle of just doing what I enjoy and didn't focus on Story. Then I clued in.
The other part to that is my Ally. I've had many offers over the years, and even had a former Member badger me to join a stronger Ally, but my guys and I are like family. We've been together for years. We play life comes first, Rewards second. We're not the Top Ally, but we have each others' backs no matter what. Don't know if it's dedication or stubbornness, but I wouldn't leave them.
It’s all chance - the fact that not everyone is as lucky as some players makes us gripe. He gets the good champs, some of us get trash. Where’s the justice there? Thats the sentiment the OP is expressing. The same sentiment that others are tired of reading here.
There is no justice in life concerning chance. The name Elizabeth Windsor wouldn't mean a thing had she not been born into the Royal Family. The woman was paid to exist. Meanwhile, others are born into poverty. Point is, things happen by chance. The alternative is a system where people just get what they want all the time, and not only is that not fair in terms of overall game balance, it would end the game very quickly.
I understand that we cannot get what we want all the time. Problem here is we get what we don’t want all the time. We work hard to get a high level crystal, it turned out an useless one. So we have to start again. Again and again. The joy is short. The frustration is big and lasts forever.
After playing this game for about 2 years you will start to lose your interest with opening new crystal, you turn your interest to something else, like rank up gems, then you realize that it’s also a RNG product, it means you get fuked. You will lose your interest again.
Don’t chase crystals because it leads to nowhere. Only frustration.
The other part to that is the definition of useless is pretty broad in this community. Lol. So much focus is on the same few Champs that sometimes people don't even know what use the others have.
That's how we all progress. Not everyone has the luck to pull the best off the bat. So we make do with the best we have until something better comes, and so on.
There is literally no end. There are people who wholeheartedly believe that 5% (or whatever) means 100%.
I’m not even joking. That’s a real thing.
Looking at the 6* Basic pool, out of the 84 champs in there, there are 16 that I wouldn’t mind pulling. That’s 16/84 = 19% chance that I get someone I “don’t mind” and 81% chance that I get someone crappy. It’s the odds I’m willing to take when opening a basic. 4 out of 5 times I’ll be disappointed. What’s the big deal?
I thought you’re endgamer already...
Moral of the lesson: dont lose heart.