Can we please just buff the arena AI

Most of my concern is in the title, but i just feel like its ridiculous to have an already frustrating and time consuming piece of content, made even more frustrating.
When fighting in arena, i spend a majority of the battle trying to bait specials for two straight minutes only to be eventually pushed all the way to the wall or special 3d. They hardly even want to drop their block which makes the fights even more drawn out on top of everything else.
Personally i feel that the ai should be much more aggressive, especially concerning specials, when the arena is specifically meant to be a repetitive (dare i say mandatory for alliance who want to do harder AQ maps) piece of content specifically meant for grinding gold and units
When fighting in arena, i spend a majority of the battle trying to bait specials for two straight minutes only to be eventually pushed all the way to the wall or special 3d. They hardly even want to drop their block which makes the fights even more drawn out on top of everything else.
Personally i feel that the ai should be much more aggressive, especially concerning specials, when the arena is specifically meant to be a repetitive (dare i say mandatory for alliance who want to do harder AQ maps) piece of content specifically meant for grinding gold and units
Masteries could include full suicides for Ultron; defenses like Dexterity and Recovery for MODOK, Cruelty and Deep Wounds for Kang; that kind of thing. Team Loki could have maxed Mystic Dispersion and Collar Tech.
It would make the Infinite Streak a bit less repetetive without making it too challenging (since we face Masteries against Summoner teams anyway).