GeylangmoghulGeylangmoghul Member Posts: 35
edited May 2017 in Suggestions and Requests
Hey Adora/Mike/Whoever reading this,

This game has come a long way in the past 2 years and it's time for certain features to evolve. These features are just annoying to the entire player base:

1) Once a arena match is done, the help request should be generated automatically. Players shouldn't have to click the plus sign on top of each character. Come on, this is very annoying especially for grinders.

2) WHY DO NOT HAVE A "HELP ALL" BUTTON ALREADY. Seriously, why do we have to help 4 requests at a time and thanks to your glitchy software we have to individually click help at times. Please sort this out.

3) DUELS. I don't think I have to repeat this. There has been a ton of request on this already. Just let us duel the same person back to back to back etc. Really shouldn't have to type and search for the player every single time.

Just throw us a bone here. Not asking to go back to Pre V12 or anything that would lower your revenue. Give the players some thing they want for once.



  • AserAser Member Posts: 3
    They can't make a help all button but they're also not clever enough/considerate enough (choose) to change it, X times per day an alliance member should be able to press a different kind of help all button and for the alliance SUM(# help pressed) should be held in a table in the database and that should automatically (just make one call now and then) change the cool down times in said alliance. Loyalty could be 250 per times pressed and make it possible to press it 4 times a day, within say 10 hours (2 hour cool down on pressing help).

    Well, yeah they won't change it but it should be easy to decrease the calls to the database really.
  • FalseOracleFalseOracle Member Posts: 148
    edited May 2017
    I completely agree with you and this would be a great way to streamline the experience.

    Unfortunately, they have explained the reasoning behind why they can't do a Help All button. If, say your alliance had 200 people that all needed help at the same time and you clicked the Help All button, and if my alliance had 200 people that all needed help and I clicked the Help All button, and if everyone who's currently on the game all needs help and everybody all clicks the Help All button all at the same time, and on and on and on, as it is right now, it would overload the server and cause a DoS (Disruption of Service) crash.


    I don't see why they can't make a Help All Button that simply stacks all of the actual individual help requests into a queue on each individual device so that we don't see the Help requests anymore and the game slowly sends all the little requests as a background task. THAT could be done. And say, once we push the button it adds any new help requests that happen AFTER you actually pushed the button for say up to 30 minutes (or however long) afterwards just so you wouldn't have to SEE anymore help requests for a while.
  • VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★
    2. "Help All"

    Each player gets a maximum of 1000 loyalty points per day. They earn loyalty by clicking the help button.

    I forget how many points you get per click but I believe you get 10 loyalty points for each help. So that's 1000 / 10 = 100 clicks.

    You can help 4 people at a time. Let's call that the "Help 4" button. So that's 100 / 4 = 25 clicks.

    This means that the complaint boils down to not wanting to click a button 25 times. Depending on how many people need help at the same time, it might not be 25 times in a single session. It is simply 25 times in a 24-hour period.

    So what is the proposed alternative?

    The proposed alternative is a "help all" button. So what is the consequence of this?

    Let's ignore the fake discussions regarding database issues and the like. The only thing that matters is GAME PLAY consequences, not fake IT issues.

    So let's say Joe and a bunch of other alliance mates have each acquired their 1000 loyalty points for the day. Wilma has not. Joe and friends being such a helpful bunch all decided to click the "Help All" button. When Wilma finally logs on, Wilma gets nothing. So instead of calling this a "Help All" button, let's just call it a "Help Myself" button.

    The response to that scenario is to have a cap on how much Joe and his superfriends can help. This will obviously help Wilma.

    Jill logs on. Asks for help. Nobody can because they have all reached their limit. So the "Help Myself" button then becomes a "Help Nobody" button.

    3. "Duels"

    Obviously, the majority of players are selecting weak opponents for duels in order to earn easy points for events. The motivation here is to "streamline" the process so that beating up a punching bag over and over again can be done in a click or two.

    In other words, finding a weak opponent for easy points is not good enough. You need to be able to beat up the same weakling over and over again with no effort.

    1. Automated Help Requests from Arena

    My only comment is that I am surprised that it took this long for someone to mention it and yet, the responses so far have ignored it. I guess it isn't a big deal for the masses.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,236 ★★★★
    Look if there are holes, people are gonna drive through them! If a 4 and 5 star get the same points beating a 1 as they do a 5 then how do you expect people are not gonna take advantage of that? The point structure is ridiculous...if we were in the real world the big points would be on the underdog! If a 3 beats a 4 or a 5 he should get more points than a 5 beating a's called "long odds." And a 5 that has a lower HP than a 4 gets three times as many points as the larger 4???? Just because it is a five star???? I sometimes feel like I am taking crazy pills when I am in "Kabam'" world! There is how you fix things to be more fair. The top dogs would have to fight bigger opponents to make the points they now just rack up by picking "easy" and "medium" summoners to fight.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,236 ★★★★
    You could also make these "event" longer with more achievements and enough time running that those who use such exploits would burn out. It is easy to do it for a short period of time but day after day in a week long event??? It would break them or make it clear they are bottling somehow! By Account sharing or whatever!
  • wolfwolf Member Posts: 106
    edited May 2017
    1) Once a arena match is done, the help request should be generated automatically. Players shouldn't have to click the plus sign on top of each character. Come on, this is very annoying especially for grinders.
    That's too good to come true.
    2) WHY DO NOT HAVE A "HELP ALL" BUTTON ALREADY. Seriously, why do we have to help 4 requests at a time and thanks to your glitchy software we have to individually click help at times. Please sort this out.
    They don't put a "help all" buttom because a player would, unintentionly, prevent others players to help too since the help requests would fastly get responded.
    3) DUELS. I don't think I have to repeat this. There has been a ton of request on this already. Just let us duel the same person back to back to back etc. Really shouldn't have to type and search for the player every single time.
    Totally agree. I don't know why they haven't implemented this yet.
  • TeleusTeleus Member Posts: 130
    I don't think the duels are too bad, but then I copy and paste so I don't have to retype
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