The attributes of a pro player and a newbie

Hey guys, today I’ll be discussing about some attributes pros use that differ them from the typical newbie. And hey, if you >wanna learn some new tricks, follow some of these!

The Pro player

1. Knows what champions are good
Pro Players typical like to use what champions are good for nodes or specific type of enemies

2. Knows how to Evade
Every pro player knows how to evade all types of specials except for special 3

3. Doesn’t spend units on featured crystals
They usually spend there units on cavalier crystals

4. Practice
Some pro players probably practiced there parry/dexterity back when they were a average player or a newbie

5. Knows how to farm
Probably every pro player knows how to farm 4 or 5* shards or iso/catalysts

6. Usually corrects there mistakes if they did something wrong in a fight
I remember seatin used to correct what he did wrong in a fight when he messed up

So yeah these are the attributes of a pro player! If I missed some, please say it in the comments!
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