R4 and Awaken ST / EF / Sinister

I’m really struggling here!
I heard Sinister is in top5 for defender and also decent on attack. ( I have 6* Mags for decent synergy )
I have KM @ R5 and ST has decent synergy, plus is Coldsnap immune!
I don’t have bleed immune champ at R4 yet so that’s why EF is in the equation along with her defensive qualities.
I heard Sinister is in top5 for defender and also decent on attack. ( I have 6* Mags for decent synergy )
I have KM @ R5 and ST has decent synergy, plus is Coldsnap immune!
I don’t have bleed immune champ at R4 yet so that’s why EF is in the equation along with her defensive qualities.
Loads of immunities, great damage and can be a better defender than sinister awakened. I would go for EF
She's has a synergy with Colossus that allows her to stay in diamond form way easier. To date it's been a fairly useless synergy cause of how awful Colossus is, but if his upcoming rework is a good one, they'd make an awesome pairing. Even better if you have Sentinel on your roster, cause she's got another synergy with him that gives +15% attack in diamond form.
I personally have all three, with Emma at 3/45 right now, and a 2015 3>4 mutant gem which will likely be used on Colossus if his rework is as good as I'm hoping it will be.
It'd make for a pretty incredible resistance team that can do some decent damage output as well.
Good luck with your decision!