R4 and Awaken ST / EF / Sinister

Burgs1985Burgs1985 Member Posts: 7
I’m really struggling here!

I heard Sinister is in top5 for defender and also decent on attack. ( I have 6* Mags for decent synergy )

I have KM @ R5 and ST has decent synergy, plus is Coldsnap immune!

I don’t have bleed immune champ at R4 yet so that’s why EF is in the equation along with her defensive qualities.


  • JohnLocke117JohnLocke117 Member Posts: 500 ★★★
    Emma Frost seems to be the best option here.
    Loads of immunities, great damage and can be a better defender than sinister awakened. I would go for EF
  • Burgs1985Burgs1985 Member Posts: 7
    Cheers for the advice bud
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    Emma unless u want to save for omega or AA...that damage cap would come in handy and add another utility to an already overflowing arsenal
  • Burgs1985Burgs1985 Member Posts: 7
    I have AA at R4 duped already. I was kind of waiting for Domino or Omega for the gem but then pulled Sinister and thought he could really help out in def as well as be handy for some attacking
  • Burgs1985Burgs1985 Member Posts: 7
    edited June 2019
    Iv heard EF has very good damage output!
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    Emma has amazing damage output if the fight goes smoothly with the opponent throwing it's specials when u want(ofc that taunt off of heavy helps) and u can get to an sp2 which with my 4/55 Emma does over 35k without assassin if both hits crit..plus at 6+ prowess most of her hits crit...iceman edges her in terms of consistent immunities as with Emma u will have to play around with Urs and Ur opponents power metre to keep urself in diamond form which is manageable as I used her for many biohazard fights in 5.4 exploration...overall she is an awesome champ who can be used in multiple scenarios and would definitely benefit from that awakened ability in both offense and defense
  • Burgs1985Burgs1985 Member Posts: 7
    Cheers guys
  • mgj0630mgj0630 Member Posts: 1,167 ★★★★
    edited June 2019
    Sounds like you may already have enough feedback to have made your mind up about Emma Frost, but I'm gonna give her another nod that no one else has mentioned yet.

    She's has a synergy with Colossus that allows her to stay in diamond form way easier. To date it's been a fairly useless synergy cause of how awful Colossus is, but if his upcoming rework is a good one, they'd make an awesome pairing. Even better if you have Sentinel on your roster, cause she's got another synergy with him that gives +15% attack in diamond form.

    I personally have all three, with Emma at 3/45 right now, and a 2015 3>4 mutant gem which will likely be used on Colossus if his rework is as good as I'm hoping it will be.

    It'd make for a pretty incredible resistance team that can do some decent damage output as well.

    Good luck with your decision!
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  • SantaGulkSantaGulk Member Posts: 72
    I’d recommend considering Sinister. Sinister needs high sig level to be a decent attacker but he hits harder than EF after ramped up. He is useful for new aw attack too.
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