Something for the Kabam team to chew on RE: 4*s not being allowed in Act 6...

raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
I completed my first LOL run yesterday (yehey) with an R4 5* Aegon and a synergy team with Heimdall, Angela, Hela and Star Lord (all are 4*s). Then it dawned on me that same synergy team cannot be brought along in Act 6, so boohoo me.

I now have seven 6* champs, only 1 (Green Goblin) I am able to use in AW. The other 6 are arena fodder because that's all they will ever be good for (unless said champs one day before MCOC's time in this world is over gets a make over). While it's true those champs I've used in Aegon synergy team can be pulled in 5*, the odds and rarity of pulling all of those as 5*s will take awhile for sure.

How about a middle ground consideration on 4*s in Act 6? If we can't use them, how about allowing us to use them as synergy champs at the very least? It's not our fault that players like me are often on the loosing end of the stick when it comes to 6*s RNG. If the Kabam Game Dev team actually had even a little bit of customer empathy, the champs chosen to be added in the 6* pool should at the very least have synergy functionality instead of being utter rubbish. I bet no one would ever complain pulling MEH champs who can be used for some kind of synergy (like Heimdall, Angela, Hela, and Star Lord).


  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★
    Sadly, my friend, I'm pretty sure that's the exact reason they're being gated out...
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    If your roster isn’t deep enough to be ready yet, don’t force it.
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