Kicked out of web-slinger challenge

Pivey78Pivey78 Member Posts: 1
edited August 2017 in General Discussion
I hope some of the mods can help me out here. I've tried a few times getting help from the support team, but I always get the same generic response that doesn't address my issue. A few days ago I just finished the web-slinger challenge 100%. When I took down vulture I was just presented with the loading screen and eventually was kicked out. I quickly found out there was an emergency maintenance happening. Of course, I wasn't happy with this, as I expected I had to take down Vulture again. But that wouldn't have been a big deal. What actually happened was that I had been kicked out of my quest session and I now have to redo all the fights leading to Vulture as well. This included both Line D and E. I had spent quite a few revives to get through, so this was really annoying. Is this by design and something I just have to accept? I thought I only would have to fight my last opponent again since all other fights had been registeted on the server. I expected to at least have all my item spending refunded.
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