New Glancing interaction (not the Corvus argument)

So as I said in the title, I am not going to belabor the point I've seen about whether Glancing should override Corvus' ability to always crit (although I think him loses charges on glanced hits is a bit crappy). My point that I'm not sure others have mentioned is now the ability accuracy reduction that the node says occurs on "hits" is preventing abilities that are supposed to trigger on activation of a special regardless of whether they land. The example I found was that Havok's special 1 triggers Overdrive Passive "on activation of this Special Attack".
So shouldn't it still active regardless of Glancing since the effect is not contingent on landinn a hit? Just curious whether this is intended with the change or not.

So shouldn't it still active regardless of Glancing since the effect is not contingent on landinn a hit? Just curious whether this is intended with the change or not.
