Champ Revamp Ideas: Old Man Logan (Version 3)

So I've been thinking more about how our favourite retired boi could be revamped, and I've had another idea.
I personally believe that Old Man Logan should be revamped alongside Colossus. He's a mutant (keeping the pattern of 2 champs of the same class being revamped together), he got second place in the poll, and we need #JusticeForRetiredFolk.
This idea came from something Seatin has said about the Wolverines. OG Wolverine has more regen, X-23 has more damage, and OML is somewhere in between. I wanted to base this revamp idea on this concept.
So here's my idea.
TL;DR: OML has 2 stances. One beefing up his regeneration, the other beefing up his damage potential. Gaining Pacifism Charges allows him to switch between those stances, and the bonuses are beefed up more from gaining more Pacifism Charges. More passive abilities that help him get punished less by effects that would punish his regeneration, but they do have slight drawbacks if they have to be fallen upon. Possible Persistent Charge mechanic?
Here's the longer version.
Fight Start
Old Man Logan enters [regeneration stance], with a bonus equal to either his Persistent Charge (consuming X% of his Persistent Charges), or a flat amount (if he doesn't get a Persistent Charge Mechanic)
If inflicted with a Heal Block Debuff (active or passive), OML ignores the effect of this debuff, and instead his base Regeneration is halved as long as the Heal Block is on him. (This could be made to only affect the Regen from his abilities, so Willpower would still be stopped by Heal Block)
Old Man Logan's Regeneration cannot be reversed, but if it would, he has less chance to gain Pacifism and the bonus effects of Stances from Pacifism Charges are made less potent.
Old Man Logan reduces the potency of a Poison debuff's effect oh his Regeneration Rate.
(already exists) Old Man Logan reduces the duration of Bleed Debuffs by 85%
Old Man Logan has a Passive Regeneration, regenerating X health per second, and a deactivated Fury, Cruelty and Precision buff.
Pacifism Charges
Old Man Logan gains Pacifism Charges by (insert methods of gaining Pacifism Charges here)
Ideas for methods of gaining Pacifism
Pacifism Charges are consumed when switching stances.
Pacifism Charges have a cap of '2n'
(so this could be stance switch available at 10 charges, and cap of 20; these are the numbers I would personally recommend. But the idea is the cap could go above the amount required to switch stances)
(stances could also be automatically switched between when reaching the cap of Pacifism Charges.)
[regeneration stance]
While in this stance, OML's Passive Regeneration's Potency (or just his base Regeneration Rate) is increased by X% for each Pacifism Charge that was consumed to enter this stance. (I'd recommend somewhere between 8% and 13%) This effect is active for as long as he is in this phase.
Other possible effects
Old Man Logan snaps, activating his Fury, Cruelty and Precision buffs, increasing attack by (X% of base), Critical Damage Rating by {1}, and Critical Rating by {1}.
Each Pacifism Charge increases the potency of these Buffs by X% (I'd recommend somewhere between 5% and 8%)
Other possible effects
Each time Old Man Logan switches stances, he has a X% chance to gain 1 persistent charge. This chance is doubled if he switches stances with maximum Pacifism Charges.
Special Attacks
I'd love to discuss this idea with anyone who's willing. Let's talk.
I personally believe that Old Man Logan should be revamped alongside Colossus. He's a mutant (keeping the pattern of 2 champs of the same class being revamped together), he got second place in the poll, and we need #JusticeForRetiredFolk.
This idea came from something Seatin has said about the Wolverines. OG Wolverine has more regen, X-23 has more damage, and OML is somewhere in between. I wanted to base this revamp idea on this concept.
So here's my idea.
TL;DR: OML has 2 stances. One beefing up his regeneration, the other beefing up his damage potential. Gaining Pacifism Charges allows him to switch between those stances, and the bonuses are beefed up more from gaining more Pacifism Charges. More passive abilities that help him get punished less by effects that would punish his regeneration, but they do have slight drawbacks if they have to be fallen upon. Possible Persistent Charge mechanic?
Here's the longer version.
Fight Start
Old Man Logan enters [regeneration stance], with a bonus equal to either his Persistent Charge (consuming X% of his Persistent Charges), or a flat amount (if he doesn't get a Persistent Charge Mechanic)
If inflicted with a Heal Block Debuff (active or passive), OML ignores the effect of this debuff, and instead his base Regeneration is halved as long as the Heal Block is on him. (This could be made to only affect the Regen from his abilities, so Willpower would still be stopped by Heal Block)
Old Man Logan's Regeneration cannot be reversed, but if it would, he has less chance to gain Pacifism and the bonus effects of Stances from Pacifism Charges are made less potent.
Old Man Logan reduces the potency of a Poison debuff's effect oh his Regeneration Rate.
(already exists) Old Man Logan reduces the duration of Bleed Debuffs by 85%
Old Man Logan has a Passive Regeneration, regenerating X health per second, and a deactivated Fury, Cruelty and Precision buff.
Pacifism Charges
Old Man Logan gains Pacifism Charges by (insert methods of gaining Pacifism Charges here)
Ideas for methods of gaining Pacifism
- Well-Timed Block gains 1 charge
- 2, 4 or 6 charges gained when the opponent activates a Special 1, 2 or 3 respectively.
- Charges gained when losing health. Maybe 1 for every 5%?
Pacifism Charges are consumed when switching stances.
Pacifism Charges have a cap of '2n'
(so this could be stance switch available at 10 charges, and cap of 20; these are the numbers I would personally recommend. But the idea is the cap could go above the amount required to switch stances)
(stances could also be automatically switched between when reaching the cap of Pacifism Charges.)
[regeneration stance]
While in this stance, OML's Passive Regeneration's Potency (or just his base Regeneration Rate) is increased by X% for each Pacifism Charge that was consumed to enter this stance. (I'd recommend somewhere between 8% and 13%) This effect is active for as long as he is in this phase.
Other possible effects
- Flat reduction in the effectiveness of Petrify
- Penalty to Regeneration from Heal Block is reduced
Old Man Logan snaps, activating his Fury, Cruelty and Precision buffs, increasing attack by (X% of base), Critical Damage Rating by {1}, and Critical Rating by {1}.
Each Pacifism Charge increases the potency of these Buffs by X% (I'd recommend somewhere between 5% and 8%)
Other possible effects
- Increased chance to Bleed the opponent from Special Attacks
Each time Old Man Logan switches stances, he has a X% chance to gain 1 persistent charge. This chance is doubled if he switches stances with maximum Pacifism Charges.
Special Attacks
- Special 1 - Gains X Pacifism Charges. Chance to Bleed.
- Special 2 - Gains X Pacifism Charges (more than sp1). Each hit has a chance to bleed.
- Special 3 - Either he gains X Pacifism Charges (more than sp2), or he consumes all his Pacifism Charges to activate BOTH stances for X seconds, but with bonus effects being based off of half the Pacifism Charges consumed. Guaranteed Bleed.
- 'Other possible effects' for each stance.
- Increased Bleed potency per Pacifism Charge (based off of sig level)
- The entire Persistent Charge idea (OML would still start in [regen stance] when unduped, but it wouldn't have an effect) (base chance to gain Persistent Charge on stance change would be based off of sig level)
- Another method to gain Pacifism Charges, and/or higher cap on Pacifism Charges
I'd love to discuss this idea with anyone who's willing. Let's talk.
Not a fan of the stances though personally. Instead you could potentially combine the two without needing to be in one or the other by linking it to his pacifism charges and the number that he has. For example, at 5 charges the benefits of his ‘regen stance’ could then be utilised. His offensive strance is essentially just berserk with a few changes, rather than standing and holding block I think that should just be left to activate randomly when the opponent uses a special attack. In his current state he can also trigger berserk when gaining pacifism charges, that part could be removed since he’s going to be gaining far more than normal from the other suggestions you made. His signature ability could remain the same as that indirectly gets buffed from having so many extra charges. His specials could be stacking quite a lot of bleed debuffs frequently.
To finish off he could have a simple boost to the effectiveness of each fury and cruelty buff to make each one a bit stronger. Combined with the increased number of those buffs he could deal plenty of burst damage without rivalling the current top damage dealers. I think the best way to go about buffing Logan is to make subtle improvements like I mentioned above, he is actually a decent character and for a long time has been a favourite of mine. I’d be disappointed if they completely reworked his abilities because I really enjoy using him.