Can i be Cavalier with this roster?

kubricknolankubricknolan Member Posts: 99
Hello guys, i just need to get the initial completion in Act 6.1 for the cavalier title. So 6 quests, 6 paths.
I already finished Act 5 altough haven’t explored chapter 3-4 yet.
I have to go in with 5 out of these top 6 champs. I don’t have any other 5* above rank 3. Do you think it’s possible with the help of 1.5k units and full stash of revives?


  • kubricknolankubricknolan Member Posts: 99
    Jaded said:

    No you won’t get through a few fights. Complete roadblocks considering your roster.

    Care to elaborate please?
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    Jaded said:

    No you won’t get through a few fights. Complete roadblocks considering your roster.

    Care to elaborate please?
    You don’t have a champ to counter 6.1.5 crossbones with vigor and biohazard (400k health pool on him). Biohazard sentinel forget which level he is on. All the bosses you’ll struggle greatly with. And considering you can only bring 5*, you won’t be able to bring any decent synergies that may help. Granted 5* og vision might work on crossbones but the global buff will limited your heal block chances.
  • edited June 2019
    This content has been removed.
  • DemonicStalkerDemonicStalker Member Posts: 340 ★★
    If you have cash to burn..yes...
  • RaiserRaiser Member Posts: 424 ★★
    your mission is to find a better counter for CB in 6.1.5... Iceman, Aegon, Ghost, OR, so on.
  • RaiserRaiser Member Posts: 424 ★★
    or grind more unit just for that CB
  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    You might be able to pull off Act 6.1.5 Crossbones boss but you will burn at least 2000 units for that fight alone (using unduped Vision).

    Not want to discourage you but listen to the others who responded earlier. Get to Elder's Bane first so you can take at least one 5* to R5 that will make a huge difference.

    Unless you have above god tier fighting skills, I'm estimating you will spend at least 3K-4K units to become Cavalier with your roster. If that will be the case, spend that 4K to become Elder's Bane and you will spend less in becoming Cavalier.
  • HaminHamin Member Posts: 2,444 ★★★★★
    If your MS was duped, yes.
  • kubricknolankubricknolan Member Posts: 99
    Thank you guys all for your feedback. I just opened 5* Omega Red and Thing back to back so maybe i’ll work on those a bit more and try to explore Act 5 to get my first rank 5. The thing is that the final Ultron boss fight is another roadblock for me cause i don’t have Medusa above 3 star so i’d have to spend a lot of units for that fight too. I remember i spent around 300 units worth of revives just for that Ultron when i beat him (granted i did it with 5/50 4 stars).
    So i’ll focus on Act 5 for the tine being and maybe try varient 2 with Domino heavy spam and Gulk. Thanks again!
  • Jh_DezJh_Dez Member Posts: 1,310 ★★★
    Oh vision heal blocks and power drains

    Thank you guys all for your feedback. I just opened 5* Omega Red and Thing back to back so maybe i’ll work on those a bit more and try to explore Act 5 to get my first rank 5. The thing is that the final Ultron boss fight is another roadblock for me cause i don’t have Medusa above 3 star so i’d have to spend a lot of units for that fight too. I remember i spent around 300 units worth of revives just for that Ultron when i beat him (granted i did it with 5/50 4 stars).
    So i’ll focus on Act 5 for the tine being and maybe try varient 2 with Domino heavy spam and Gulk. Thanks again!

    Blade with danger sense should help with the ultron
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