Ant-Man Request

StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
I'll be the first to say that I absolutely love Ant-Man, I have him as an unawakened Five Star and use him for everything with the Quantum Trinity and use him even more than I use my six star Ghost. Even without the active Wasp synergy, he puts in so much damage and it makes him so much fun to play as, but my only issue is with his prestige. I just took him up to rank 4 today and was sorely disappointed to see that his PI is only about 6,400, only 400 PI above my r3 Stark Spidey. Ant-Man is perfect the way he is, aside from his PI. Can we please get a PI bump for him?


  • bb_81bb_81 Member Posts: 147
    i agree, he should be shown some love and a friendly bump in his PI, along with Juggs and Cyclops Blue Team. there are players like PraiseKek and myself who love champions other players detest or overlook. we rank this champs up because we love using them, only to be disappointed at how pitifully low their max PI are. give Ant-Man some love :)
  • bb_81bb_81 Member Posts: 147
    ps don't forget Juggs and Cyclops Blue Team lol
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  • bb_81bb_81 Member Posts: 147
    @SquishyjrThe_4TH your kind of a party pooper aren't yah? whatever small insignificant change it might have, if kabam does decide to up Ant-Man's prestige a bit, i'm sure OP will appreciate it. he doesn't appear to have any problems with his overall game mechanics and abilities as he loves using him no matter what. he is merely imo politely asking for a slight bump in his prestige. it might not mean much to you and me but it does to him, i mean why not right? it's not like he's asking for Ant-Man to be god tier. anywhoooo whatevs, hope he gets what he's asking for, cheers mate ;)
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  • bb_81bb_81 Member Posts: 147
    @SquishyjrThe_4TH well you are correct sir, there is definitely more pressing matters when it comes to the current state of the game, that i'm sure many can agree with. i don't aim to be argumentative when it comes to OP post, so i'll drop it and say no more. cheerio
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  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    edited June 2019

    bb_81 said:

    @SquishyjrThe_4TH your kind of a party pooper aren't yah? whatever small insignificant change it might have, if kabam does decide to up Ant-Man's prestige a bit, i'm sure OP will appreciate it. he doesn't appear to have any problems with his overall game mechanics and abilities as he loves using him no matter what. he is merely imo politely asking for a slight bump in his prestige. it might not mean much to you and me but it does to him, i mean why not right? it's not like he's asking for Ant-Man to be god tier. anywhoooo whatevs, hope he gets what he's asking for, cheers mate ;)

    Kabam can’t directly bump a champs PI, only their prestige.
    Of course they can directly bump the PI. PI without masteries, boosts, etc., and prestige are the same. You can't bump one without the other.

  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,331 ★★★★★
    edited June 2019
    Which mastery will be good for this champ?

    These two and relying on glance to mitigate lower health?

    Edit: Maybe not recoil.
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