Villainy Path 5.2.6

RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,731 ★★★★★
edited June 2019 in Strategy and Tips

So with Bane overlooking the entire lane and map lol there is a nice villainy path where basically villains gain power while heroes dont.

Now i know back when 5.2 was released options werent much but with many champs out who is best??

Blade can do it but i took a test run and Juggs murdered him lol


  • EvisceratorEviscerator Member Posts: 350 ★★
    Corvus works fine even though he isn't #villain. I used him
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,731 ★★★★★

    Corvus works fine even though he isn't #villain. I used him

    I know he gains power but problem is mags is down further and there is no avenger or tech lol
  • EvisceratorEviscerator Member Posts: 350 ★★

    Corvus works fine even though he isn't #villain. I used him

    I know he gains power but problem is mags is down further and there is no avenger or tech lol
    But you will already have a charge from kang/spider man
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,731 ★★★★★

    Corvus works fine even though he isn't #villain. I used him

    I know he gains power but problem is mags is down further and there is no avenger or tech lol
    But you will already have a charge from kang/spider man
    Ahh silly me haha
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