Act 5.2.3

BrudixTreeBrudixTree Member Posts: 801 ★★
Hey guys,
"sadly " my best champ is Venom 5 star r3 and venom 4 star r5, These arent good at all against the buffet node....
My other champs are the following:
4'* Medusa r5 duped
4'* Iceman r4 duped
5'* Hood r3 duped
4'* Corvus r4 unduped
4* Symb Supreme r4 unduped
4'* Thing (without synergys) unduped
5'* Morningstar R2 unduped
4'* Omega Red R3 unduped
4'* Heimdal R4 unduped

Which of These are the worthiest for the following chapters to rank up?
Thx for any help!


  • BrudixTreeBrudixTree Member Posts: 801 ★★

    Hey guys,
    "sadly " my best champ is Venom 5 star r3 and venom 4 star r5, These arent good at all against the buffet node....
    My other champs are the following:
    4'* Medusa r5 duped
    4'* Iceman r4 duped
    5'* Hood r3 duped
    4'* Corvus r4 unduped
    4* Symb Supreme r4 unduped
    4'* Thing (without synergys) unduped
    5'* Morningstar R2 unduped
    4'* Omega Red R3 unduped
    4'* Heimdal R4 unduped

    Which of These are the worthiest for the following chapters to rank up?
    Thx for any help!

    the worthiest for Act 5 !!!!
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,302 ★★★★★
    Buffet will 'eat' Dexterity and Masochism will 'eat' Parry.

    So rank who you like to play with to deal with Act 5. Your list is good champs.

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