New Defense Masteries
Please note as these masteries are shown at max rank.
Thorned Armor: Every hit your champion receives has a 5% chance of gaining armor up that reduces damage by 10% for 5 seconds. The armor has an additional 30% chance to ricochet 15% of the opponent's attack back to the opponent when your champion is struck, this will also cause the armor to break (disappear). This mastery will not affect champions that gain armor up.
Endurance: Every debuff applied to your champions reduce all debuff potency by 3%. Maximum reduction, 15%.
Critical Resistance: Your champions ignore 3% critical damage. Effectiveness increases to 5% if the opponent is under a precision buff.
Bulletproof: Your champions reduce damage by 15% from projectile attacks while under 50% health.
Enhanced Health: Your champions start with 25% more health. However, debuff on your champions are 25% more effective.
Thorned Armor: Every hit your champion receives has a 5% chance of gaining armor up that reduces damage by 10% for 5 seconds. The armor has an additional 30% chance to ricochet 15% of the opponent's attack back to the opponent when your champion is struck, this will also cause the armor to break (disappear). This mastery will not affect champions that gain armor up.
Endurance: Every debuff applied to your champions reduce all debuff potency by 3%. Maximum reduction, 15%.
Critical Resistance: Your champions ignore 3% critical damage. Effectiveness increases to 5% if the opponent is under a precision buff.
Bulletproof: Your champions reduce damage by 15% from projectile attacks while under 50% health.
Enhanced Health: Your champions start with 25% more health. However, debuff on your champions are 25% more effective.