RNG Protection

Kabam, I'm trying my hardest not to be too sour but this is the first game to date i can remember playing that doesnt have RNG. I.e. the chances to receive items you already have get lowered the more of them you have. I've really enjoyed this game for the lasy 3yrs so much so i have multiple end game accounts. But the bad RNG, factored with the increasing demand for expanded rosters is killing your product slowly. My last 5 awakening gems have all been skill. And now my first 2 2015 rank up gems are both mutant. I know you going to say its just yhe luck of the game but pulling 6 skill of 8 5* AG is not random. And it greatly hinders progression. I know im not alone. I know nothing wont be changed ( 2 for 1 AG trade in, or 1 + units to reroll) but at some point the middle class players have to get some support. If you not a whale or a new customer it doesnt seem as though you matter anymore and its said to see such a good game become completely about the bottomline.
Not anymore.... I know that some diehard forum regulars will jump on this thread to say that it is impossible that the RNg can be tweaked or that we have no proof... but no.... this game is rigged is some way or another.
And not only for the RNG, for many other aspects, like silent nerfs to synergy’s, to champions... and the most recents.... OP nodes, with the addition of new OP champions, that are practically near possible to get if your FTP...
But hey this Game is a business and the goal of a business is to make $$$Cheddar$$$.
So I can’t blame them for doing what they are doing
What silent nerfs? There hasn't been any silent nerfs to synergies or champions.
Trying to poke holes in people’s arguments and statements seems to be your life joy...
Every time i see a tread, with people argumenting for irrevelant things, things that do not matter, you are there..., nourishing yourself from emptyness...
You seem like a smart person, too bad you use it in a way to try to stir problems. That usually is a sign of personal isolation, lack of friendships, and depression.
When one lives the above, he usually acts the way you do to balance it’s innerself, and gain a sense of self worth.
Nothing personal, just want to be of service
Simply stating a personal opinion on a forum... that's it.... why are you guys get so high on your Horses??? Really... your close to 17500 post @GroundedWisdom , most of them from endless, ridiculous bickering on this forum...
I see Kabam as a business, and business wants to make money that's it, and yes, I believe they do shady things at time's not always, but sometimes. No we can't prove it, and that's why they do it.
Anyway.... what ever make you feel relevant and raises your sense of self value I guess.
"I believe RNG is rigged"- conspiracy.
Just because its a personal opinion, doesnt make it less a conspiracy theory or less false. You have zero proof of it being rigged which comes from the overwhelming amount of posts claiming "bad" RNG. At the bare minimum, you are spreading false information which is against forum rules.
A conspiracy by definition is "the activity of secretly planning with other people to do something bad or illegal".
I ain't planing anything with other people to do something bad or illegal.
Case closed.
Trying to jail me?
Whatever floats your boat
Lucky me or you may say thank god.... I am getting back at work in less than 3 weeks, so kabam mods might not have to ban me, like @Demonzfyre , would like...
I am a very social and very friendly person and I get in very few arguments in life....
Therefore it as been fun knowing you, but when the next 3 weeks will have pass, I will be very happy to get back to work.
Maybe you guy's can throw me a Goodbye Party?