We need a Thanos (Endgame)

I think you should get a Thanos Endgame because I thought Thanos in Engame with his gold armor and his silver spear axe thing was amazing! I think if you decide to do this a lot of people would enjoy it. I think that he (like the normal Thanos) be a 5 and 6 star only. Also, for his block I think he should spin his spear like he did when iron man shot the lasers at him in the movie. Finally I think for his heavy attack Thanos should slam his spear down on top of his opponent like what he did to Captain America in the movie and then swing it low so it sends the opponent flying just like the movie. The rest I don't care want you do but the only thing I ask is that if you take my advise and make a Thanos (Endgame) that you give me him when you realise him because I would love to see it (and use it). Please consider this and if you do thank you. I love what you have done Mavel Contest of Champions and I can't wait for what is next. Thank you for reading and I hope you like my idea.