Is the Acid Wash node working as intended?

Is the Acid Wash node in map 7 functioning as it should? The node description states: "Poison Debuffs and Passives deal 25% more damage to the defender, and they take 90% less damage from all sources unless they are inflicted with a Poison Debuff or Passive."
I used Dr Voodoo for my first fight and his spirit venom debuff, which is active, seemed to be working as the node description suggests. However, my second fight, I used AA and his neurotoxin, which I believe is passive, did not work as described. So, is the node bugged such that passive poison debuffs are not dealing the 25% additional damage as advertised, OR is neurotoxin not being considered a poison debuff?
I used Dr Voodoo for my first fight and his spirit venom debuff, which is active, seemed to be working as the node description suggests. However, my second fight, I used AA and his neurotoxin, which I believe is passive, did not work as described. So, is the node bugged such that passive poison debuffs are not dealing the 25% additional damage as advertised, OR is neurotoxin not being considered a poison debuff?
Neurotoxin is neither bleed or poison damage. Is just regular, direct damage
Bleed them 4+ times with heavies then let them hit your block 3-4 times to get 3-4 poisons, heavy again and to get neuro on, there will still be some poisons left, watch them melt from neuros plus the stronger poisons