Don't you hate scrolling through all of your characters in quests, trying to find the right synergies? How about when you have to look through all of your characters in Arena? Or maybe you have a few guys that are fun to use, but not your top characters, and you want to use them for easier quests like exploring Heroic difficulty. FalseOracle and I both think that this is an easy solution: Squads. It would be great if you could set up a few separate teams that could be preset selections when you are choosing characters to use. This would work for all game modes: Arena, Alliance Quest, Alliance War (Defense and Offense), Event Quests, Story Quests, you name it! You could set up a squad of 3-5 champions, at which point they can be used for any game mode! What do you guys think?
Yeah that would be better than the current "sort by synergies" button. It currently is useless.
Yes, like in Future Fight where there are 5 teams you can edit and choose from.