Former Plat 3 currently Gold 1 ally looking for a merger with skilled players

We’re a former platinum 3 ally currently Gold 1 ally. We dropped coz of some inactive guys, but we’re looking to get back up.
•AQ map 5*5 and AW tier 4/5
•Looking for up to a bg of skilled and active guys map 5 ready or better still map 6.
•If you’re more but qualify then we can still chat and work it out.
•Contact me on Line if you’re interested. My id is Zella.12
•AQ map 5*5 and AW tier 4/5
•Looking for up to a bg of skilled and active guys map 5 ready or better still map 6.
•If you’re more but qualify then we can still chat and work it out.
•Contact me on Line if you’re interested. My id is Zella.12