18mil. 160+ AQ tier 5-6 AW

LXG is currently looking for skilled and active members to join our Alliance. We are a well organized group of veteran players that play hard and want good rewards. We run map 5x5 5x5 65555 currently in AQ and score 160+ mil. We want to focus on AQ and AW and continue to grow and move forward.

Our goal:
Top 500 in AQ
Gold 1 in AW
75k Gold
5k loyalty
(Reminder on Friday must be in by Saturday )
6k+ prestige
Participation and communication (must show up and communicate in a timely manner for AQ and AW)
Must also be able to clear paths in AQ and AW effectively
must be 18+
Must use line
No event minimums
If interested please contact me over line and I will get back to you ASAP
Line ID: djackzx