AW Defense question

Hi everyone In AW I like to place my BPCW on a node that makes armour up abilitys 40% more effective. Obviously this is good because when he has an armour up effect you cant parry him. The question im asking is does the node increase the length of the ability when it triggers because if it doesnt then Ill place him somewhere else because the acutal armour provided doesnt really matter


  • StefffStefff Member Posts: 121
    Sorry, but the node increases armor strength, not duration.
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    The best place for BPCW is a permanent armour up node not armour effective ness nodes since its not the effectiveness of the armour that matters its the up time of that armour that makes him a good defender
  • BlackbeardBlackbeard Member Posts: 133
    bpcw is best for bleed effective nodes. For armorup node i guess buster or colossus would do great.
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