Improved Dungeon Experience by making a few changes

Supersha7Supersha7 Member Posts: 328 ★★★
HI Kabam,

Firstly even though your game has a lot of bugs, its still a great game, and with some improvements could be better of course :)

Here are my suggestions and observations from playing Dungeons.

1) Terrible team ups

Many of us willl have gone into a random find a friend dungeons where weve taken a team of 3 x skill or whatever class, and hoped that the other person is taking the other class advantage class, and lo and behold ended up with a partner that has 3 of the same class as you.

My worst to date was yesterday. I took in 5/65 domino, Massacre and Red Hulk. Got paired with - 5/65 domino, Masacre, Red hulk....ok still its a great partner to have. but come on!! Exactly the same line up?!?!
ANd then immediately after the domino dungeon, i went in with all cosmic (it was a tech science ) so took in Hyperion 4/55, MEdusa and Thor classic...guess what my parther had......Hyperion, MEdusa, Thor classic..

Please can some improvements be made in the sleection method of random partners.

Even if its just something like if you have 2 or 3 of the same class, it locks out anyone else with 2 or 3 of the same class. That alone would help..

2) More terrible team ups

SO we all know about people who dont move, dont listen etc, die on an easy opponent. Is there any possiblilty to imnprove this part of the dungeom experience?

Perhaps a quick "tick box" at the end of each Dungeon with choices:

Did your partner listen to you?
Was your partner prompt with moving, or did they move at all??
Did your partner Die more quickly than expected?

The results can be a quick bar of percentasges of yes vs no. And then you can only be paired with people within a ceretain 10% band of that.

THe dieing bit i understand is hard to measure becuase some nodes are just disgustingly hard - but communication and propmt moving are pretty easy to do , and easy to not do. so even if we dropped the dead question., at least then we could get an idea of who we are paired with, and whether theyll move!

3) people going the wrong way.

SO this shouldnt even be an issue - how hard can it be to go to node 2, when you say "node 2". and if this gets solved itll obviously eliminiate part of problem 2.

No idea how hard or easy that is to do, but how abnout this for a solution. Just have each person pass through an empty noded gate that unlocks the gate you want, whilst leaving the other gate heavily noded with say 100% degen in 10 seconds.
So you pick your side as normal, but the first gate is unguarded, with 2 options, that then allow the other person to pass through to the guarded node that youd like them to go through.

Well thats my main gripes i think for dungeons. Other than that, its a really good addition to the game. I really enjoy mashing it out every 2 weeks, and I appreciate not having to do it all the time.

Thanks Kabam :)

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