Breaking block

PoisonDaturaPoisonDatura Member Posts: 42
Im holding block and opponents are breaking it?!


  • PoisonDaturaPoisonDatura Member Posts: 42
    @Kabam Miike can someone fix it! Its impossible to play it like this
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★
    You are going to need to provide more information than that.
  • PoisonDaturaPoisonDatura Member Posts: 42
    Im holding block,trying to heal not letting it,so gulk hits me without unblockable and my block fall down,he hits me without smash without anything... first i thought im not holding it then happens few more times,how strong i should press and hold left side of the screen maybe its working with pressure,sarcasm...
    What else you need,few videos me playing MCoC to see how im holding block and he hits me like I let it go?
  • PoisonDaturaPoisonDatura Member Posts: 42
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★
    The information isnt for me personally. You have to give Mods enough information to take back to tge dev teams so they can potentially investigate.

    In all honesty, to prove there is an actual "block break" happening, you will have to record your fight and make sure "show touches" is turned on for that recording. Other wise its nearly impossible to say what's happening. There isn't a champ in the game that can break anyones block with out unblockable on. In most cases you try to dash back right before getting hit so you dont take more block damage. Especially with Blade and his healing.

    Other information to provide-
    Device type.
    OS type and current version.
    Where it's happening- Quest, AQ, AW or arena.
    Plus videos or screens.
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