Infinite streak 20+ and hard difficulty

HennessyVSOPHennessyVSOP Member Posts: 1
edited June 2019 in Strategy and Tips
Hi all, I have recently tried several times infinite streak in Arena 1/2 and 2/3. It seems that something has changed significantly. I am doing it with maxed out lvl 2 and lvl3 respectively teams. On streak 10+ medium opponents with 75% of my rating seems to appear regularly and on 20+ streak it is everytime something around 100% - 120% of my rating with difficulty hard. So infinite streak dos not exist amymore?

Also regarding fights on hard. Is there any chance to deal heavy attacks or special attacks 1 and 2 outside the stun opportunity window? Seems like there is 95% chance of opponent being able to block or counter it even if it is done in middle of combo sequence. Some of the champions like Ghost Rider are very often pointless withous SA1 and 2 going through....
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