Best rewards from Rocket's scrapyard

So from what I've read, the best value is to collect the mastery cores?


  • Swe_wolfisSwe_wolfis Member Posts: 390 ★★
    Best value is the item(s) that helps YOU the most.

    For some cores are the answers, others can start to clear act 3-4 with more 4*
  • GrinderGrinder Member Posts: 242
    edited May 2017
    If you have issues collecting alot of units in a short time, stony and carb cores are good if you're wanting to change your masteries. If you're trying to reduce overall time consumption in grinding rather than save a few units, t2cc or t4b's are good if you're going through alot of them and it's hard to keep some saved. If you're really just trying to grind new champs or dupe champs, maybe consider the 4* crystal.

    I would say those are probably the most common options of choice. As Swe said, value is determined by what benefits you the most, not everyone else.

    Personally I've bought a healthy amount of t2cc to help save tons and tons of time and energy grinding the daily routes because I've been going through so many t2 class cats lately that it's insane. It has saved me many hours overall. I've also gotten a 4* crystal and a t4b, the crystal mainly just trying to dupe needed champs and the t4b is just really nice... you can never have too many t4b. I'm not buying cores because honestly stacks of units from grinding arenas is a common occurrence and have no plans on getting new masteries in the forseeable future, so cores are pretty useless to me.
  • BigMoBigMo Member Posts: 175
    So far I got 2 Stony cores, 1 carb core, 2 greater Ascension crystals, and a bunch of t2c crystals. I am almost to finish master mode and will probably get 1 more GAC and then more carb and Stony cores. If you look at the credit value of each item the carb cores are one of the best values but you should also get what you need or want most.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,967 ★★★★★
    edited May 2017
    Pretty much what was stated here. It's all dependent on what you need. A T4B always helps, but you could use Glory or do the Arena for that. Cores are a little pricey when you don't Grind enough for the Units. The T2CC's save alot of time when you're trying to Rank 4*'s. Ascendant Crystals have a chance at T4CC, but the majority I've heard from rolled T4B Frags. Still useful. Another 4* Crystal is always helpful. T4CC Frags are good when you don't have whole Cats. It all depends on where you're at, and what you need the most.
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