18M Alliance - Gold 1 - Map 5 & 6

Looking for new members for our 18M alliance. Gold1, Tier 4 in AW. AQ map 5&6 score 200M.
Current goal is to stay in our Gold 1 comfort zone and focus more and more on AQ (map 6).
We need 1 or 2 450K+ members who are capable of playing AQ map 5&6. UK/CET timezone prefered. Line, high activity and good communication is required.
Add me on Line for more info. Line ID: Muffinboss
Current goal is to stay in our Gold 1 comfort zone and focus more and more on AQ (map 6).
We need 1 or 2 450K+ members who are capable of playing AQ map 5&6. UK/CET timezone prefered. Line, high activity and good communication is required.
Add me on Line for more info. Line ID: Muffinboss