Item Trading... would it be a good idea?

So we've all got some items that we wouldn't really like to have, right? That one guy who has 4 spare tech 5* awakening gems, or that other player who got all mutant 3->4 2015 gems from variant. And we might know of someone who needs that item that we have sitting in our inventory, gathering dust. AND they're in the same situation, where they have an item laying there that you would really like.
So here's my idea for a 'trading' feature.
Let's say Player A has a spare Tech 4* Awakening gem that they don't need, and they really want a 4* Skill awakening gem to awaken... say Blade... (this totally isn't my situation right here)
And then Player B has a 4* skill gem they're not using any time soon, and they want to awaken their Sentinel or someone with a 4* Tech gem...
One player would be able to invite the other player to a trading session. Let's say the person who initiated the trade chooses the sort of item that is traded (items that aren't owned by both players won't be allowed. So for example, if player B didn't have any 2->3 5* rank up gems, the 2->3 rank up gem option wouldn't be available). The other player then agrees on this decision.
Then each player chooses and confirms which item in particular they would like to trade. And then, after a unit fee is paid by each player (based off the certain item being traded, so 5* AGs would cost more to trade than a 4* sig stone) (items to choose to trade from would also be restricted if either player couldn't pay the fee) and the items are sent between the accounts.
This system would allow for people to get specific items that are more desirable, but neither player would be getting anything less than the other, because it's trading items of equivalent value.
So what do you guys think? Can you think of any way this system could be exploited? Can you think of any improvements or changes that you think would be worthwhile adding to this feature?
Yes I know that this is not necessarily a feature that WILL be added to the game, but hey it's nice to speculate...
So here's my idea for a 'trading' feature.
Let's say Player A has a spare Tech 4* Awakening gem that they don't need, and they really want a 4* Skill awakening gem to awaken... say Blade... (this totally isn't my situation right here)
And then Player B has a 4* skill gem they're not using any time soon, and they want to awaken their Sentinel or someone with a 4* Tech gem...
One player would be able to invite the other player to a trading session. Let's say the person who initiated the trade chooses the sort of item that is traded (items that aren't owned by both players won't be allowed. So for example, if player B didn't have any 2->3 5* rank up gems, the 2->3 rank up gem option wouldn't be available). The other player then agrees on this decision.
Then each player chooses and confirms which item in particular they would like to trade. And then, after a unit fee is paid by each player (based off the certain item being traded, so 5* AGs would cost more to trade than a 4* sig stone) (items to choose to trade from would also be restricted if either player couldn't pay the fee) and the items are sent between the accounts.
This system would allow for people to get specific items that are more desirable, but neither player would be getting anything less than the other, because it's trading items of equivalent value.
So what do you guys think? Can you think of any way this system could be exploited? Can you think of any improvements or changes that you think would be worthwhile adding to this feature?
Yes I know that this is not necessarily a feature that WILL be added to the game, but hey it's nice to speculate...
It'd be exploitated like the gifting badge was