Rank 4 Omega Red 4 Star unduped or r3 Crossbones 5 Star?

BrudixTreeBrudixTree Member Posts: 801 ★★
edited June 2019 in Strategy and Tips
I have a big lack of T1 Alpha and T4 Basics, this and the iso are the things i am grinding for at the Moment...
Crossbones is a great dude for every annoing enemy with evade, parry and even for electros or such annoing nods!
Omega Red is a regen god and also purifiing enemys in a really decent way.

As it also depends on my current Champions, i will just tell you what i have and what i am missing:
1. I am missing Champions from other classes then Cosmic and mystic, my top champs all are from this class
2. I have great damage dealing Champions, like for example Venom or Medusa and Symb Supreme
3. I have something against evade Champions, like for example Iceman or venom for every spiderman
4. I have something against champs with lots of buffs, for example Morningstar, The Hood or Symb Supreme
5. I have not to many over time damage Dealers, only Medusa and she depends on her bleeds, so that would only be for R O L
5. I am missing any sort of powercontrol, still dont have a single 4 star champ who can drain or block power...(exept from Symb supreme, but this isnt too reliable)

As i have seen, Omega Red has a Little mechanic to drain a Little power, but as it is only with sp3 ist not to reliable, the rest is obviously really sick... about Crossbones i think he has God Tier Utility concerning Autoblock, evade- or damage reflecting champs.

So what do you think? I like both champs, i dont know how much i would like Omega Red duped so i cant decide that easily
Thanks for youre help!


  • Jackd1989Jackd1989 Member Posts: 419 ★★★
    I would say Crossbones as he is useful as well against Spiked Armour Nodes as he never crit hits and when he should, he gains fury instead so can finish the fight quickly if you have a crit synergy team
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