Change war completely

GraydroxGraydrox Member Posts: 413 ★★★
Just like everything else in the game, make a tier system of difficulty. But !! Let the ally choose the tier at the beginning of the season. Epic, master, heroic, normal and beginner. Different rewards for each at the end of the season. Rewards are much better for epic as opposed to heroic rewards, and so on.

And instead of matching you up against alliances with this war rating system, it matches you up against alliances with similar win/loss ratio.

The first matches will be absolutely random. Second matches will be random for the people with the same records. So eventually there will be alliances who are 5-1 competing against each other, and so on. And If an alliance goes undefeated, the win, obviously.

Points will be scored the normal way during matches. These points will be used to break ties.

At the end, undefeated alliances when prize A. Once defeated win prize B, twice defeated prize B, and so on


  • GraydroxGraydrox Member Posts: 413 ★★★
    Tournament style war? That's so much more interesting and fun than this war rating ****.
  • edited June 2019
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  • GraydroxGraydrox Member Posts: 413 ★★★
    But the rewards will suck for top tier. They would be wasting their time.
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  • GraydroxGraydrox Member Posts: 413 ★★★
    Or how about group all alliances together. No tiers at all. Let's say their are 15 wars in a season. 15/15 alliances at the end get the top reward. 14/15 win alliances get the number 2 reward. And so on

    I know this could cause a problem at the beginning as a weak ally gets matched up against a super ally. This is a super mismatch. The game doesn't want that because there is less struggle. So we need to fix that.

    To fix it. Alliances will be matched up to alliances with th same war record and who are also closest in prestige.

  • GraydroxGraydrox Member Posts: 413 ★★★
    Or, how about keep the tier system. Epic, master heroic ect. Everybody starts at the bottom. Alliances who finish in the top 33 Percent of that tier auto move up to the next tier, next season. Alliances who are in the 33-66 percentile stay in the same tier. Allies who are in the bottom 33 Percent fall back one tier.

    This will keep alliances from jumping ship to another alliance and tanking because it will take several seasons to rise or fall.

    Alliances in the bottom percent will win basically squat so the people who are tanking get nothing and they only go down 1 tier at the most.
  • _8_Sean_8__8_Sean_8_ Member Posts: 6
    @Graydox- I think your ideas/suggestions are spot on. The war matchmaking engine still is incredibly flawed and that's after the supposed "fixing" that Kabam claims to have done several months ago. Our alliance still gets matched up against opponents that are significantly beyond the skill level or rating of any of our members. A major change is definitely needed and I believe would also be welcomed.
  • B_Dizzle_01B_Dizzle_01 Member Posts: 1,637 ★★★
    I like what I’m hearing here. But kabam won’t listen. That’s the sad part.
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